CD7 Development: Responding to Malinowski's Entrance into the Race, Weber Emphasizes Her Local Street Cred

Leaning on a local story line and home town roots, Linda Weber, a Democratic candidate for Congress in the 7th District, this afternoon reacted to the news of former Assistant State Department Secretary Tom Malinowski jumping into the Democratic Primary.
Having grown up in Princeton, Malinowski only recently moved to Rocky Hill, which is situated in the 7th District.
"I’m encouraged to see so many Democrats around the nation choosing to run for elected office; this is our democratic process at work," said Weber. "Ultimately, I am running on a platform based on the needs of the district and my principles. That will not change no matter who enters the race. As a long-time resident of Berkeley Heights and a 30-year finance and technology executive who commutes into New York City, I am acutely aware of the pressing needs of the district such as addressing our infrastructure crisis, protecting our environment, defending a woman’s right to choose, providing access to affordable and quality healthcare, advancing pay equity, strengthening public education, and increasing government accountability.
"The 7th District is my home, and I believe that I am the best candidate to represent it and to fight for the issues that matter most to its residents," added the businesswoman candidate for Congress. "I have had the privilege of sending both of my sons to public schools here, serving as a PTO president, and serving as the 5-time Chair of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, and I look forward to earning the votes to serve the district in Congress."

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