CD7 Flashpoint: Enviro Leader Pringle Wants a 2018 Crack at Lance

Trenton staple and New Jersey Environmental Federation Chief Dave Pringle - a Democrat - this week formally launched his bid for Congress in District 7.
"As a husband and father of three children, I'm concerned about the future of our country," said Pringle on Facebook. "As one of New Jersey's leading progressive advocates, I have been fighting for New Jersey families for thirty years. I'm running in New Jersey's 7th Congressional district because it is time we get our country back on track and I’d like your support."
The longtime environmental activist showed up at a Somerset County Democratic bash in the waning days of December. "A little late to the party, aren't you, young man?" remarked Somerset County Democratic Committee Chair Peg Schaffer.
There are already six people in the contest for the Democratic nomination to run next year against incumbent U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7), who amassed a strong environmental record in the New Jersey Statehouse, then reversed himself with opposition to cap and trade as a federal representative.
Notwithstanding some skepticism among those who have early witnessed intensified jockeying among the pre-Pringle Democratic hopefuls and arguably the specter of the enviro's group having infamously backed Chris Christie for governor in 2009, Pringle appeared intent on his candidacy as 2017 came to a close.
Hail the mighty Pringle, so much better than greasy Republican Lays or boring baked Lay Democrats.