CD7 Flashpoint: Long-shot Jois Mailer Hits Malinowski on Syria Attack React

When Tom Malinowski, the perceived leading Democratic candidate for the party's CD-7 nomination, heard about the U.S. military attack on Syria in April, he tweeted out his support. The tweet backed Trump's policy, but also pointed out that Rep. Leonard Lance and other Republicans refused to support President Obama when he asked for it during a similar situation in  2013.

As a former State Department official, Malinowski has credibility on foreign policy. He also combined his backing of Trump with a swipe at Lance.
No matter. Malinowski's attempt to separate foreign affairs from partisan politics, as used to be the case, is not going over well with all Democrats.
One of those unhappy is Goutam Jois, who is also running for the party's congressional nomination.
A recent Jois mailer to district voters proclaims that "NJ Democrats (are) shocked by Malinowski's willingness to support Trump on Syria."
The mailer includes quotes from Bernie Sanders,  New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and New Jersey Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman  It's hard to tell if they are shocked, but all said the president should not launch military adventures without congressional approval.
Jois probably remains a long shot to win the party's congressional nomination next Tuesday and to challenge Lance this fall. In fact, if he wins, some people may be shocked.
But his mailing aptly symbolizes - perhaps inadvertently - the polarization of today's politics.
There's not much room for bipartisanship - even in foreign policy.

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