CD7 Flashpoint: Weber Releases List of 25 Influential Women Supporters

Twenty-Five influential women leaders in politics and business today endorsed technology and finance executive Linda Weber for Congress in the 7th District.

Weber, who launched her campaign on Mother’s Day on MSNBC, is a long-time Berkeley Heights resident who is most known for having built some of the nation’s first online banking platforms.

Among those endorsing her candidacy are Galit Kierkut, Esq., past President of the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association and Millburn resident, and Myra Terry, former President of NOW New Jersey and the founder of Emerge New Jersey, which works to increase the number of Democratic women leaders from diverse backgrounds in public office through recruitment, training, and providing a powerful network. 

“Linda Weber is a trailblazer who has shattered glass ceilings and built a remarkable 30-year career in technology and finance,” said Myra Terry, founder of Emerge New Jersey and former President of NOW New Jersey. “She has used her influence to open the doors of opportunity for other women and people of color. She is also a graduate of our Emerge New Jersey training program where I had the opportunity to see her level of commitment and acumen firsthand. Linda is the strongest candidate to challenge Rep. Leonard Lance, and I proudly endorse her.” 

“It is so important that we elect more women, but it is most important that we elect the right women,” added Galit Kierkut, Esq., past President of the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association. “In addition to her extensive record of success in business, Linda is an active leader in the Seventh District. She is the five-time chair of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in Northern Union County and has raised millions of dollars for cancer patients and research. I know that Linda will fight for the issues that matter most to our district because she has never wavered in her commitment to standing up for others.” 

“I am truly honored to have the endorsement of Myra Terry, Galit Kierkut, and so many other prominent and accomplished women leaders in New Jersey,” added Weber. “Like many in my district, I am deeply disturbed by the direction in which Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress are taking our country. Every day there is a new scandal or destructive policy that hurts New Jersey families and the nation, and unfortunately, Rep. Leonard Lance, who votes with Donald Trump 93% of the time, no longer represents the values of the Seventh District. We cannot continue to have a government in Washington that prioritizes wealthy donors and corporate special interests over American families.” 

Weber has also been endorsed by the Network for Public Education and its founder, Diane Ravitch, a former United States Assistant Secretary of Education and a leading education policy expert. The Network for Public Education (NPE) is a national advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve, and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.  

Currently, Weber is the Senior Vice President of IDB Bank. She is a mother of two sons and resides in Berkeley Heights with her husband of 30 years, Mark Weber, an educator in the Warren Township Public Schools.    

Here is the full list of women leaders endorsing Linda Weber:

Myra Terry, Founder, Emerge NJ & former President, NOW NJ 

Galit Kierkut, Esq., Past President, New Jersey Women Lawyers Association 

June Fischer, former Northeast Chair, DNC  

Dianne Eglow, Committeewoman, Millburn Township 

Jaimee Katz Sussner, Esq., Senior Law Partner 

Marie Corfield, Vice President, Hunterdon County Education Association 

Liza Hecht, Esq., Senior ERISA, Executive Compensation and Tax Counsel 

Eileen Cernese Klein, MD, Internist 

Safanya Searcy, Labor Leader and Board Member, Emerge NJ 

Delores Metz, former Deputy Mayor, City of Newark 

Bessie Coleman, former Newark Councilwoman 

Kyle Jane Harrow, CEO, ReStart Fitness 

Joyce Brocaglia, CEO, Alta Associates 

Anjali Mehrotra, Creative Director/Principal - AM Design Studio 

Ravneet Mumick, Global Finance Executive 

Elizabeth Boland, Senior Shipping & Product Executive, Nest Studio 

Nana Duncan, Partner, TD + Partners 

Nancy Imbalzano, Global Pharmaceutical Executive 

Thelma Martinez, Esq., Attorney & Criminal Justice Reform Advocate 

Tara Gilvar, CEO of B.I.G. 

Liza Viana, CEO, CMK Marketing 

Jane Gomez, Millburn community leader and a former PTO President 

Fiona Rouse, co-owner, Long Hill Montessori School 

Katharine Schumacher, Environmental Activist  

Tai Cooper, Senior Government Official  

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