Chaos in Murphy World

Tammy and Phil Murphy were already out the back door of the Portuguese Club of Long Branch meeting hall when a long-time observer of state politics declared the events of the day a “bellwether.”

That seemed a polite way of saying it was a proverbial punch in the face for the first lady and the governor.

Not only did Andy Kim win the Monmouth Democratic convention by a healthy margin – 265 to 181- he did it in the Murphys’ home county.

Tammy Murphy, in fact, had stressed precisely that in her speech to a jam-packed room of Monmouth Dems.

She said she’s lived in the county for more than 20 years and raised her children there. Moreover, she has volunteered for many local charitable endeavors and is well familiar with local 5-K races. Not only that, if she gets to the Senate, she will not forget that Convention Hall in Asbury Park could use some financial help.

Her speech was certainly more energetic than some of the others she’s made during the campaign.

But you got the feeling she was reaching a bit with the hometown angle. After all, we’re running for the U.S. Senate here, not county commissioner.

The first lady previously has said a woman is better suited than a man to fight for such things as abortion rights. Today she proclaimed that the Senate needs “more ticked off moms.”

Rep. Frank Pallone addressed the convention as a Murphy supporter.

“I know for a lot of you, this is a hard choice,” the veteran congressman said. He offered three reasons why the convention should endorse Murphy.

She lives in the county.

The Senate needs more women.

She’s a progressive.

Elaborating, Pallone said Murphy will stand up to “special interests.”

That did seem a bit ironic.

The main criticism of the first lady is that she represents a special interest herself – a candidacy based on the political power and influence of her husband, the governor.

The Murphys were already gone when Kim spoke to reporters.

“We’re the campaign that has the momentum. We’re the campaign that has the energy,” he said.

On this day, no one was going to disagree.


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11 responses to “Chaos in Murphy World”

  1. “More ticked off moms” is not what we need. Sounds similar to the “lipstick on a pig” remark that Obama used to point at the gender card. More progressive and more special interest is not what we need. It is insulting to think a woman is better suited to fight for such things as abortion rights. New Jersians want the right person for the job, the most capable, competent and knowledgeable of the needs of its constituents. This is a United States Senate race not a PTA election.
    I say this a woman ,who raised a family in Monmouth County. We need to get passed using the gender card and move on to fixing problems.

  2. The revolution against The Machine and purported “endorsers” beholden to the Governor for their cash, appointments, “favors” and other clear conflicts of interest that northern Dem counties are ignoring — has begun. It’s both obvious but truly shameful to see the Governor leveraging his position to favor his wife. But I guess it’s NJ, so he’s simply meeting our low collective expectations. The Murphys are basking in general fear of reprisal. How is that right?

  3. Murphy, Kim or whoever else doesn’t matter. They are all ultra liberal progressives who will only further damage America.

  4. I still remember her rant about systemic racism, easy for someone who pays $87,000 in property taxes a year to say, but any person of color who lingers in front of her castle best carry ID showing they live in the neighborhood. Her position on maternity health and infant mortality is admirable, but maybe the first step for this view is for the mother to be in a stable relationship, have the economic wherewithal to have and raise a child without being a drain on the rest of society, be a registered voter and have a library card. I generally believe just about any responsible person, see above, could do a better job than many of the clowns currently holding office, but in this case I will go for Andy Kim or Mikie Sherrill if she should run.

  5. Andy Kim has the international and legislative experience that we need at this time in the US Senate. She does not.

  6. I’m no fan of progressive Andy Kim, but at the same time I do not see that Tammy Murphy has any qualifications whatsoever to be a United States Senator.

  7. LOL Pallone, “the senate needs more women” all of a sudden that matters so much after we e had Lautenberg, Corrine, Menendez, Booker, Torricelli , Bradley and on and on and now the first time we are hearing him concerned about gender representation in the senate is for the governors wife? Oh please. And Progressive? Barely.

  8. LOL Pallone, “the senate needs more women” all of a sudden that matters so much after we’ve had Lautenberg, Corzine, Menendez, Booker, Torricelli , Bradley and on and on and now the first time we are hearing him concerned about gender representation in the senate and it is for the governor’s wife? Oh please. And Progressive? Barely.

  9. I strongly recommend that Democrats in every part of NJ—particularly those north of Trenton—acquaint themselves with Rep. Andy Kim. His grassroots candidacy in 2018 turned over a solid Red seat in CD-3. . He has worked tirelessly for constituents and won a further two terms. He is more than qualified to run for Senate. The governor’s wife is NOT qualified. End of story.

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