Chomping at the Bit: Dems Welcome Showdown with 'MAGA Extremists'

Why wait?

The fall election is now set, so let's go on the attack.

That seems to be the modus operandi of two incumbent Democratic members of the House.

Let's start in Josh Gottheimer's CD-5, which covers parts of Bergen, Passaic and Sussex counties.

Republicans on Tuesday nominated Mary Guinchard of Ridgewood to challenge Gottheimer this fall.

In a Wednesday morning release, the congressman said the following:

"MAGA Mary is a right-wing extremist, associating herself with anti-government extremist groups and January 6th sympathizers. She opposes a woman’s right to choose. Guinchard is a regular at anti-choice rallies and opposes common sense gun safety laws, stating that bipartisan “red flag” gun safety laws go too far in their efforts to reduce domestic violence."

It is not unusual for a Democrat to accuse a Republican of being an "extremist."  It's interesting, though, that Gottheimer is beginning his attacks so quickly.

Over in CD-11, which covers parts of Morris, Passaic and Essex counties, Mikie Sherrill is following suit.

She already has a name for Joseph Belnome, the man Republicans nominated to oppose her.

He is "January 6 Joe."

Here's part of what Sherrill said in a Wednesday statement of her own:

"Belnome is a Trump-supporting MAGA extremist. He has been to more than 20 Trump campaign rallies and supports the extreme MAGA agenda that treats climate change as a hoax, restricts women’s reproductive freedom, and weakens New Jersey’s gun safety laws. He recently told the press, 'We need Trump back in. I want to be someone he can rely on in the House.'"

Belnome, for his part, has a name for himself -"Jersey Joe." Let's see which one sticks.

Broadly speaking, CD-5 is a bit more competitive than CD-11, but in both districts, the Democratic incumbents have to be considered the favorites.

But as we can see, they want to keep things that way.

Previous comments for: Chomping at the Bit: Dems Welcome Showdown with 'MAGA Extremists'

  1. AEG says:

    "Capital breach as an insurrection is an example of how a false narrative can gain currency and cause dangerous injustice." Traitor and an insurrection are terms being used loosely and are dangerous and inappropriate. January 6 was a passionate rally that turned into a violent riot. Not an insurrection. Where was the National Guard and other reinforcements? If they were deployed in preparation for January 6th, the narrative would be totally different.

  2. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The above commenter has a very serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which has been linked to severe schizophrenia and narcissism. I didn't know that a politician could be an anti-vax "wackadoodle". Is that a new political term to be submitted to Webster's for new words for 2024? When I hear deranged verbiage coming out of the commenter's mouth (and other deranged commenters), I can only think that he is using gaslighting and projection to promote the Democrat-Communist narrative of accusing others for what they are doing. The commenter is nothing more than a "useful idiot" for the Democrat-Communist apparatchik. And the TDS commenter continually rails on incoherently that somehow Trump supporters and Americans who support the U.S. Constitution are "insurrectionists". First, there are no facts to prove any insurrection occurred on January 6th. Secondly, the commenter doesn't even know what a real insurrection looks like. A real insurrection involves shooting, killing and police use of tear gas, dogs, batons, water cannons, firearms, and even military intervention with army battle tanks and armored vehicles (like we saw in Istanbul, Turkey in 2016). In other words, that insurrection was called a "coup". We had nothing of the sort here in D.C. on January 6th. What we had was a "soft coup" by the Democrats trying to maintain total power and control over all of us. Oh, wait, that sounds like the Democrats' "Summer of Love" in 2020, where they and their ilk (BLM & ANTIFA) burned down cities, police stations, a Federal court, police cars, killed people, destroyed their property, etc., which was estimated between $2-$5 BILLION in damages. This is what a real insurrection looks like. It is a violent action; not like January 6th, which was an orderly demonstration.

  3. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    He calls himself "Jersey Joe". I call him the "Jersey Joke". He wants to be called "Congressman". I call him "insurrectionist", "traitor", and a few other words not suitable for publication Joe Belnome, a building inspector in Belleville--he's a government employee, if you can believe it--is seeking the Republican nomination to run against Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey's 11th Congressional District. He should never be allowed anywhere near the government of the United States, except as a federal prisoner. By his own admission, he was a participant in the January 6, 2021 insurrection and riots that took place In Washington, DC, which were done at Felony Donnie's urging and had one purpose--the overthrow of the legitimately elected president, Joseph R. Biden Jr., and the threatened execution of Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Belnome says he "peacefully marched" in the protest and did not enter the Capitol. However, there is no independent verification that confirms his claims. And his mere presence at the insurrection makes him complicit in the actions of the mob. In other words, just because he claims not to have engaged in violence doesn't mean he didn't associate with violent people. He did. Belnome is an unabashed Trumpian. That's his right, misguided as it is. If he wants to cast his lot with a bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic waste of skin who enjoys attacking the military, disabled people, and minorities, well, he has to live with that decision. But New Jersey does not have to have this unhinged lunatic representing us in Congress. Belnome, who has unsuccessfully run for state Senate in the past, is an anti-goverment, election-denying, anti-vax wackadoodle whose views do not represent the majority of Americans. In many ways, he's a lot like a certain Sussex County Commissioner--drawing a government salary while attacking the government that employs him. It's interesting to note that, while Belnome claims not to have been part of the violence of January 6, he deleted all of his social media posts related to that event shortly after it happened. If he has nothing to hide, why scrub your history, Joey? The Whistleblower has included selected screen shots of his more recent posts which thoroughly document the kind of person he is. New Jersey doesn't need someone like him in government. For that matter, the United States doesn't need insurrectionist traitors in the halls of Congress. "Jersey Joke" Belnome is simply a bad person.

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