Christie at Twilight: Governor Uses Chamber Platform to Warn of Successors Saying 'Yes'

[caption id="attachment_295" align="alignnone" width="3456"] Christie in charge.[/caption]
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Governor Chris Christie grabbed the bully pulpit of this year's chamber trip to project the best images of self into an atmosphere fast hurtling toward new statewide players eager to trash the outgoing governor.
"You will spend the next nine months hearing how awful things are in the state of New Jersey," Christie said, slamming those candidates for governor, all of whom have either distanced themselves from the 18% job approval rating-hampered governor (LG Kim Guadagno) or outright thundered against him (former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Phil Murphy).
"We're getting ready to enter an extraordinarily partisan season in state politics," added the governor, decrying in advance those who will "tear down the state," months removed from his bashing of the country as led by President Barack Obama.
Standing at the podium and flanked by New Jersey's congressional delegation and other dignitaries, Christie urged people to remain vigilant through the campaign season and remember strides he says his administration made, including putting the state Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) on solid footing. He said he fears politicians making promises "that no one can pay for," and made the case for himself as a leader who could say no - a bulwark for the taxpayers.
"When they're governor, they'll say yes," he said. "Any governor who says yes more often than no only says yes to you with your money. Every nickel I spent has been yours. All we hear from candidates this year is yes. When they want your vote, 'Just say yes.'
"Be careful," Christie added.
The remarks landed amid continuing buzz about the governor intentionally using every platform he can to deprive Guadagno of a chance to make the 2017 case for her own Republican candidacy to succeed Christie.