Post-Bridgegate Decision, Christie Savages Obama DOJ for 'Weaponizing' Office, Accuses Fishman of 'Prosecutorial Misconduct and Personal Vindictiveness'

Former Governor Christie savaged the Obama Justice Department and US Attorney Paul Fishman following the Supreme Court's overturning of the convictions of Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly in the Bridgegate case.
His full statement is below:
"The unanimous decision today by the U.S. Supreme Court ends a 6 ½ year political crusade by former U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman and the Obama Justice Department against Bill Baroni, Bridget Kelly and dozens of members of my Administration. As many contended from the beginning, and as the Court confirmed today, no federal crimes were ever committed in this matter by anyone in my Administration. It is good for all involved that today justice has finally been done.
What cannot be undone is the damage that was visited upon all of the people dragged through the mud who had nothing to do with this incident by the prosecutorial misconduct and personal vindictiveness of Paul Fishman. Despite being repeatedly told by numerous respected members of the bar during the investigation that he was inventing a federal crime, Paul Fishman proceeded, motivated by political partisanship and blind ambition that cost the taxpayers millions in legal fees and change the course of history. Worst of all, Fishman allowed Bill Baroni to go to jail for federal crimes he invented.
The leadership of the Obama Justice Department is also culpable for permitting this misconduct to happen right under their noses, authorizing Paul Fishman to weaponize the office for political and partisan reasons.
There are no words of apology that would be sufficient to right the wrongs committed by Paul Fishman. From the very first day of his involvement, he was determined to damage the reputations of as many members of our Administration as he could. This case was driven by a U.S. Attorney and Justice Department in search of a predetermined and biased outcome. In recklessly pursuing that outcome, they violated the oath sworn by every member of the Department of Justice."
Christie weaponized his role as NJ attorney general all the way to do the governors office. He should know all about corruption. I hope he’s out of lives. Terrible Person and terrible politician.
Obama, may just go to prison if trump gets another term, his corruption will be exposed
Gov Christie is 100% correct, Obama & Fishman are despicable.