Christie on Prieto: 'I Don't Know How He Expects to Resolve It If He Doesn't Have The Votes"

Governor Christie held a press conference, doubling down on his blame of Speaker Prieto for the budget impasse.   Prieto said he was open to considering a compromise bill to Senator Vitale's Horizon bill, but wouldn't take it up now -  after members have time to craft the bill and gather public input he could theoretically hold hearings within a few weeks.

The Governor said, "Does anyone really believe they're going to come back here during the summer and hold hearings on Horizon, and then get a session of the Senate and Assembly to pass a full bill?  I just don't see that happening."

While Prieto said at yesterday's press conference that the Governor is a 'guy you can't trust', Christie insinuated the same of the Speaker.

"I want you to go to Steve Sweeney today and ask 'Did I ever violate a budget agreement with Steve?'" while bringing up legislative issues such as Atlantic City and the interest arbitration cap.

He doubled down, saying it's the Legislature's responsibility to get him the budget. "I can't wave a magic wand and get a budget on my desk.  I don't know how he [Prieto] expects to resolve it if he doesn't have the vote.  He doesn't have the votes."

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