Christie Signs Budget and Horizon Bills; State Government Re-Opens

The Governor's Office released the following list of bills that Governor Christie signed this morning - including the FY2018 budget and the compromise Horizon bill, effectively putting the government shutdown behind us and re-opening state government.
A-5001/S-3327 (Schaer/Sarlo) - Amends and supplements various language provisions in Fiscal Year 2017 annual State appropriations act.
A-5005/S-3328 (Burzichelli/Sarlo) - Transfers $8,000,000 from New Jersey Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Fund to General Fund.
S-3312/A-5003 (Sarlo, Bucco, Oroho/Schaer, O’Scanlon, Greenwald) - Transfers State Lottery Enterprise to TPAF, PERS, and PFRS.
S-2/A-5129 (Vitale/Prieto, Muoio,Vainieri Huttle, Mukherji, Caputo) - Clarifies role of health service corporations, revises membership of board of directors, regulates surplus, and requires timely publication of certain information by DOBI.
A-5000/S-18 (Schaer/Sarlo) - Appropriates State budget for fiscal year 2017-2018. (with line item veto of language)
And how will this affect the 3.8 million people in NJ who have medical inurance under Horizon? The media goes on and on for days about Christie using a private beach, but not a word to tell us about how our already crappy medical insurance will be further degraded?! Thanks for nothing, incompetent media!