Christie’s Speech That Wouldn’t End

Governor Christie has delivered his last State of the State address today. While our Governor has rolled back protections for the environment, he has threatened clean water and open space, while increasing New Jersey’s impact on climate change. When you look at his record, he is clearly the worst governor for the environment in state history.
In his speech today, Christie put out a lot of hot air for someone who doesn’t believe in climate change. He failed to mention the environment in his speech, something that is not surprising considering his record. Christie has been the worst Governor for the environment in the state’s history. The Christie Administration has attacked clean water to protect developers and special interests while promoting fossil fuels and dirty energy. Fortunately, this is Chris Christie’s last ‘State of the State’ address so he can’t do any more damage to New Jersey’s environment.
While Christie has taken a victory lap for his leadership on rebuilding after Sandy, he has actually put our state more at risk. By rolling back 40 years of protections, we will have more flooding and pollution in our waterways. By not acknowledging climate change, we will see more storm surges and sea level rise. There are still thousands of people out of their homes because of destruction from Hurricane Sandy. Instead of making us more resilient, Christie has rolled back protections, removed staff that work on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and increase greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change.
This is the speech that wouldn’t end and maybe his longest ever; he’s supposed to leave office in a week and we thought the speech would go on into Murphy’s Administration. It’s nothing but a fantasy story of Christie’s Greatest Hits. After eight years of destruction in New Jersey, it is not a surprise that Christie one of the lowest rated Governors in state history. We are looking forward to working with the incoming Murphy Administration to make New Jersey an environmental and clean energy leader once more. We are confident that under new leadership, New Jersey will be able to reverse the environmental damage from Christie and move forward.
Jeff Tittel is the director of the New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club.