Christine Todd Whitman Backs Harris for President

Former Governor Christine Todd Whitman backs Vice President Kamala Harris for President, one of many rollouts among GOP stalwarts backing the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.
The Harris campaign’s effort includes former Govs. Bill Weld of Massachusetts and Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and 16 former Republican members of Congress, including Kinzinger and Reps. Joe Walsh of Illinois and Susan Molinari of New York. All have been notable critics of Trump in the past.
Whitman made a call that resulted in the deaths and serious illnesses of Hu deeds of thousands of Americans after 9/11. She made people literally sick and dead. How does one take her seriously ever again? Why does she even have the chutzpah to remain in the spotlight at all? She should have been tried by The Hague for her human rights atrocities she caused. Whatever opinion she shares, at the least it should be ignored. She should be shunned from the state and country.
Regardless of your politics, Whitman is a serious and respected woman. Her endorsement gives decent, civic minded republicans the ok to vote for Harris. I’m predicting a Democratic sweep in November.
Dear Dr. Richard Roemer: You ask, "when has Biden-Harris EVER fomented an insurrection"? Well, my "ass"tute friend, you just witnessed it and missed it in its entirety. There was an insurrection and coup within the Democrat Party where they removed President Joe Biden from the campaign, and installed V.P. Kabala Harris without a single vote. She was installed by "virtual vote" of purported delegates--which cannot be verified of who they were. Were they member of the Communist Chinese Party, Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, et al.???? The 14 MILLION Democrat voters that voted for Joe Biden were cut out of the mix. Harris was installed, nee, annointed to the Presidency without a vote. Talk about an insurrection/coup???? Sir, you missed it entirely as it was done right before your lying eyes.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Based on the Democrat-Marxists commenters here, I would suggest that they are "assholes".
Wait all you want. I don't get my news from only Fox, but many other sources. Do you get your news from only CNN or MSNBC? Your sarcasm is unprofessional for a doctor. I stand by opinion. You're free to stand by your opinion.
When, pray tell me, has Biden-Harris EVER fomented an insurrection as Trump did on January 6, 2021? I will wait until Fox tells you what you think.
Or you either.
Endorsements are nice, although I don't believe they have much impact. I also believe that name calling and insults by some in this discussion is uncalled for. That accomplishes little. We may all have our opinions and discussions are fine. Personally I agree that the endorsements referred to in this op-ed originate from some rather liberal Republicans of the past. They are simply trying to remain relevant. Nothing more. Franky who cares about endorsements at all? Having said that, let's stick to policy. The Biden Harris administration have taken great steps to destroy America. How? Wipe out a 2,000-mile border. Allow 10 - 12 million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully. Have no vetting of any kind, nullify all federal immigration laws. Let in toxic drugs that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Grant benefits to support to those millions who broke the law. Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes. Run up $35 trillion in national debt. Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days. (Yes, Republican are guilty as well), defame anyone wishing to stop this wild spending as cruel & inhumane. Appease and/or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel. Allow terrorists to attack Americans without adequate response. Defame and diminish Christians and Jews. Support and fund America hating organizations such as the U.N., ICC and WHO. Redefine identity only as someone's ancestry rather than emphasize American exceptionalism and greatness. Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood. Sort all political issues by race and sex. Forgo standards of merit with regard to admissions, retention, job promotions and commendations. Recalibrate violent crime as understandable expressions of social justice. Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons. Empathize with the violent killer and rapist; ignore their victims, especially if they are slain police officers. Emasculate the military by using non-merit standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. Cut the defense budget. Stop producing sufficient weapons, but leave billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists. Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas. Substitute inefficient, unreliable and expensive wind and solar power, even as energy prices nearly bankrupt the middle class. Teach children they are entitled and America is evil. Raise them to have grievances against past generations and current norms. Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers. Suspend the Bill of Rights on campuses. Train youth to graduate despising their own culture and civilization. Dispense with merit based grades. Bill the taxpayer when students default on their loans. In short, kamala is for a very extreme liberal agenda. She advocates for a 100% government operated and controlled healthcare (medical insurance) system and the elimination of all private health insurance. She wants to implement a Pharmaceutical Excise Tax and a Bank Tax, Tax all financial transactions, implement universal basic income and rent paid for by working taxpayers, ban all oil exploration & drilling, eliminate gasoline production, complete student debt relief (adding to the debt), Elimination of Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (Border Security), Further defunding of Police departments, Unlimited up to time of birth abortion, Voting rights for illegal aliens. She is trying to make this election only about abortion and race. We never hear of how she will address potential war as China, Russia, Iran threaten stability across the world, how she will address rising inflation, how we will lower a $35 Trillion debt, how to stop the flow of deadly drugs into the country, how to address rising terrorists threats, how to improve the public school system to name a few. Let's remember that as a candidate for President twice now, not a single voter has ever voted for kamala, EVER. She dropped out in 2020 before the first vote was cast and came into 2024 after all the votes had been cast. Democrats call this saving democracy. Don't be fooled by lying politicians or one sided opinion journalists.
How have Governors Whitman and Christie become wealthy at the expense of taxpayers? It you, Thomas Jefferson, who is the thief. You rob this good webpage of decency when you hurl lies and half-truths. It is you who give Republicans like Whitman and Christie a bad name. Adam Kinzinger is a man of Integrity. You’re just an angry, selfish man who identifies with other angry, selfish men. How sorry for you.
Oh my Toto! Oh my!
And if she endorsed Felony Donnie, you'd probably propose to her. Jefferson, you're nothing but a 🤡
Former N.J. Governor Christine Todd Whitman is a Bush-Cheney acolyte. She kisses their rings at every political function. These politicians are the traitorous RINOS hell-bent on becoming extremely wealthy at the cost of the taxpayers. These politicians have been stealing from the taxpayers for more than 4 decades. Anything that Christine Todd Whitman (and her buddy, Chris "Crispy Creme" Christie says is self-serving and irrelevant. It is without basis in fact. And, it is definitely against the American people. This group of leftist, RINO Republicans are only in it for themselves to see how much wealth they can make by stealing from American taxpayers. These are the true American Nazis, while the Democrats are nothing more than Marxist-Communist tyrants.