Ciattarelli Drills Down on the Economic Argument

TRENTON – The Steve Lonegan wing of the party felt so passionately about those social issues advanced by their champion, that a tricorn hat wearing patriot dutifully accompanied the 2009 Republican gubernatorial candidate on the trail, and now Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-16) seeks Lonegan woebegone voters and others not with red meat – but with an economic argument.

“Everyone has come to the realization that the issues are economic and the issues are affordability and opportunity,” said Ciattarelli on filing deadline day. My five-point plan addresses those issues, and on June 5th people will make a decision based on their economic self-interest.”

The core of Ciattarelli’s campaign rests on re-calibrating schools funding so urban Abbott Districts – which receive about 70% of all state education funding – don’t clobber suburban and rural school districts like Manville, where the Republican kicked off his gubernatorial campaign last year.

“Without a doubt, my campaign appeals not just to conservatives but to independents and even Democrats whose suburban towns are getting screwed,” said the Assemblyman from Hillsborough. “I really believe the timing has come for the right message and the right messenger. …From the very beginning I said I was in to win, and I saw a pathway to victory. My campaign is now perfectly positioned and we will finish strong.

“From now until primary day, I will take my five-point plan to rank and file Republican voters,” he added. “People want details not rhetoric. What I intend to do is to tirelessly cite specific answers to turn this state around. People are looking for a hands-on, roll up the sleeves CEO, and they are looking for the specifics they find in my five-point plan. They’ve heard the rhetoric and what they want to know is what the candidate intends to do – which is exactly what we’re doing.”


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2 responses to “Ciattarelli Drills Down on the Economic Argument”

  1. Here’s a thought exercise: Go ad absurdism. If we floated $120 billion to fully fund Public Education for three years, what adjustments would we need to make to create the system dynamics necessary to support an accountable and sustainable Public Education system? There is an answer. It has to do with the value of real estate.

  2. Max, Lonegan ran for Governor in 2009, not 2013. And Ciattarelli is much closer to Murphy than Lonegan in his economic views. Is he endorsing a flat tax and massive spending cuts?

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