Citing Inconsistency, Malinowski Hits Lance on His Affordable Care Act Voting Record; Lance Responds

Running in one of the most-watched battleground districts in the country, Tom Malinowski today released an ad called ‘60 Times,’ highlighting the votes U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7) recorded in opposition to the Affordable Care Act.
Malinowski points out that Lance voted to move ACA repeal forward while in the Energy and Commerce Committee, and took more than 60 separate votes to make healthcare more expensive, remove protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and allow insurers to charge older Americans more.
The Democratic challenger said Lance was caught lying in a recent News12 debate claiming he never voted to advance health care repeal out of committee. However, on March 9th 2017, Lance can be seen clearly voting the measure forward out of the Energy and Commerce Committee.
“Advancing the bill out of committee was the only vote that mattered. Lance understood, as any Congressman would, that if the bill reached the floor it would pass, no matter how he voted on it when it got there,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager Colston Reid. “He was partisan when it mattered, and independent when it didn’t. That’s not leadership. That’s a con job, and his constituents deserve better.”
Team Lance responded.
“Tom Malinowski supports a single-payer government-run health care system supported by Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that would cost $32 trillion, hasten Medicare’s insolvency, further erode employer-sponsored health care and retiree health benefits, limit choices and ultimately lead to higher taxes and fewer benefits. Malinowski likens his plan to a ‘German-single payer system.’ His plan would end the American health care system that so many 7th District families depend upon,” Lance for Congress campaign manager Jim Hilk said.
As a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, Hilk added, Lance supports a plan that lowers premiums, drives down health-care costs, encourages competition and gives every American access to quality, affordable health insurance.
The Lance Plan includes:
- Protecting those with pre-existing conditions;
- Providing a stable transition for those forced into Obamacare at no fault of their own;
- Implementing cost-saving provisions like purchase of policies across state lines, small business pooling and medical malpractice reform.
- Repealing the medical device tax that is hurting jobs in New Jersey;
- Shoring up Medicare’s solvency to protect and strengthen the program now and into the future.
But the challenger noted that the incumbent congressman has also been caught scrubbing healthcare repeal language off his current website, and just yesterday put his name on a symbolic resolution favoring safeguards for pre-existing condition protections that does precisely nothing, but was co-sponsored largely by Republicans with tight re-election campaigns.
“Lance cast vote after vote to make healthcare less accessible and more expensive for his constituents. He’s afraid of losing his seat so now he’s lying about it and we’re exposing that,” said Malinowski Communications Director Benji Schwartz.
Watch ‘60 Times’ below: