Citing Record, Seniority, Potential to Make History, Eustace Pursuing LD38 Senate Seat

Assemblyman Tim Eustace (D-38) will pursue the state senate seat being vacated by the retirement of his slate mate State Senator Bob Gordon (D-38).

“Absolutely,” Eustace told InsiderNJ.

The assemblyman said he’s the senior assemblyman in the district and offers policy assets in the areas of the environment (where he served as chair) and health.

A chiropractor by trade and former Maywood mayor, Eustace has served as vice chair of the Health Committee for the entirety of his tenure in the assembly going back to 2012. He predates Assemblyman Joe Lagana’s (D-38) time in the assembly by two years.

Moreover, “There is an opportunity here to seat the first openly gay senator,” the Assemblyman noted.

“I don’t think we need another lawyer,” he said, a jab at Lagana.

Of Gordon, Esutace said the senator has been ” brilliant,” an ideas-man who was thoughtful and forward moving during his decade-long service.

Sources say Lagana v. Eustace for the vacancy will get resolved sometime over the course of the next 72 hours.

“We’re both formidable candidates, but I would think seniority would give me a leg up,” said Eustace, who also said he has brought significant attention to environmental issues.


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