Claire Gustafson Considering Getting Into CD1 GOP Primary


Forms exploratory committee to consider campaign against Norcross

COLLINGSWOOD – Saying, “2020 is vastly different than 2014, in every district we need candidates not afraid to stand with our President,” Claire Gustafson announced she has formed an exploratory committee to gauge interest and support into a possible candidacy for Congress in CD1.

“Republicans I’ve talked with don’t want a wishy-washy middle-of-the-road nominee pandering for Democrat votes,” Gustafson said. “They want a candidate who understands that ‘reproductive rights’ does not mean using abortion as a form of birth control. They want a pro-Second Amendment candidate who isn’t afraid to voice their support for President Trump’s policies. I’m solidly behind our President and don’t believe in pandering, if I run Republicans will get the candidate they want.”

If Gustafson makes the move from exploring a run to being a candidate for Congress she will start off with support from current and past elected officials in Gloucester and Camden Counties.

Greenwich Township Mayor George W. Shivery, Jr. said, “I met Claire when she ran in 2014 and, frankly, she was a far better choice than the party’s handpicked candidate. If she runs she will have my endorsement and support. I will encourage Gloucester County to award her the line.”

Joe Adolf, a former mayor of Magnolia and Republican in Berlin added, “No doubt, the party got it wrong in 2014. Claire’s got some experience having served on Collingswood’s school board and she’s proved she can run an aggressive campaign. This is a great opportunity for Republicans to right a wrong and run a candidate not afraid to take the fight to Congressman Norcross.”

Former Stratford Councilman John Dudley said, “Without a doubt running in CD1 is going to be tough, we need a candidate up for the challenge. Claire is an experienced campaigner, of the names I’ve heard wanting to run she’s the only one tough enough to take the fight to Norcross. I hope she makes it official and runs.”

“Exploratory committees are about gauging support and determining if the financial resources to be competitive will be there,” Gustafson said. “No Republican will match Congressman Norcross dollar-for-dollar, but whoever the candidate is must be able to raise enough money to force him to keep his money in the district and not send it to the second and third districts. If we determine I can raise the money needed to do at least that, I’ll be in.”

About Claire Gustaafson: Active in her community, Claire is currently the President of Camden County New Jersey Republican Women, a former school board member in Collingswood, a former soccer and Little League coach and a member of Collingswood’s historic commission. She’s owned her own small business for over 30 years and is married with four sons, one daughter and several grandchildren.

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