Clerk Hogan Reacts to Kelly's Candidacy

Bergen County Clerk John Hogan said he has a simple message for just announced Republican opposition candidate Bridget Kelly: “I'll Compare My Record of Public Service to Yours Any Day.” Hogan, a Democrat who was first elected in 2011 and is now running for his third term, is proud to stand on his record of saving county taxpayers millions of dollars by modernizing the Office of the Bergen County Clerk to increase efficiency, carrying out the office functions during the COVID-19 pandemic, effectively managing last year's unprecedented vote by mail election, providing excellent service to county residents and much more.
“Bridget Kelly is entitled to try and get her life back together and I wish her the best in that regard, but the people here in Bergen County who had to deal with the Bridgegate scandal up close are never going to forgive her her role in punishing them to further Chris Christie’s vindictive agenda,” said Hogan. “I’m incredibly proud of my record as County Clerk and look forward to a vigorous campaign and the opportunity to speak to my constituents about the positive changes we have made that are saving Bergen County taxpayers millions of dollars and delivering essential services more efficiently.”