A Closer Look at The Traits That Made Abe Lincoln a Great Leader, on State of Affairs

Steve Adubato sits down with Louis P. Masur, Ph.D., Board of Governors Professor of American Studies and History, Rutgers University, to talk about the key elements that made Abraham Lincoln a great leader, the documentary, “Lincoln: Divided We Stand,” and the ways the January 6th Capitol riots exemplified the divisiveness in the United States.

Steve Adubato asks Masur, “What made Lincoln a great leader?” Masur answers “A few different things. One is, he understood very early on that education was the path to success. Think about his background, think about his life, what were the chances for this kid, an illiterate father, born in a dirt floor cabin, he even said in 1860 that his education was defective. He was a believer in what we call The American Dream. He understood the path to upper mobility led through ideas, led through thinking and his entire life exemplified that. That is one of the elements that made him a remarkable person and a great leader”

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