Collingswood Progressive Challengers Upset the Democratic Establishment in Camden County Committee Fight

A group of 16 Progressive candidates for county committee won an unlikely victory in Collingswood NJ. The Collingswood Progressive Democrats defeated the incumbents 52% to 48%, flipping one of the largest and most strategically important towns in Camden County.
DEM – Collingswood County Committee
11/12 91.67%
Under Votes 157
Over Votes 10
Vote Count Percent
Cam Co Dem Com 826 48.56%
Dems of Cam Co 875 51.44%
Total 1,701 100.00%

It was a bandolero amid prevailing establishment heft, which overall solidified the power of the Camden County Democratic Organization.

“They may have played around in Collingswood,” said a South Jersey source, “but progressives were decimated here.”

This from the establishment on the overall night in Camden:

“Camden County Democrats are proud to have overwhelmingly won with a slate of diverse, dedicated, community leaders — including the first Asian-American mayor of Cherry Hill, a Gold Star mom for freeholder, a young millennial leader in the 5th District Assembly, a Camden High state champion basketball star and coach for the Camden City Council, the first Hispanic councilman in Runnemede, and many other dynamic candidates. After November, women will have a majority of seats on the Camden City Council for the first time in history.”

And here’s a release on the Progressive Dems’ victory in Collingswood:

16 County Committee Seats Flipped

A group of 16 Progressive candidates for county committee won an unlikely victory Tuesday night in Collingswood. The Collingswood Progressive Democrats, defeated the incumbents 52% to 48%, flipping one of the largest and most strategically important towns in the County.

The turnout in Collingswood was extraordinary, exceeding the turnout of the 2017 Gubernatorial primary. Not since the 2016 Presidential primary had turnout been so high in the Boro. Volunteers for the insurgent candidates ran a fresh, clever social media campaign, had a well organized ground game and built excitement around their solid pro-good government message, underscored by recent news of possible corruption and subpoenas issued to the EDA regarding George Norcross-connected companies.

“This victory underscores the appetite for change in Camden County. Residents are hungry for control over their democracy. People are clamoring to be heard, and are sick and tired of machine control. We are poised and ready to represent our neighbors and friends in the Committee and look forward to creating a Progressive vision in our town and our county.” stated newly elected committeeman, Chris Emrich.

“This win shows what happens when candidates, already part of a thriving grassroots organization, take time to explain the issues to voters.” said Danie Moss-Velasco, who ran as a candidate for both County Committee and State Assembly. “The more people learn about why democracy is broken in NJ, the more they want to fight for change. Our conversations with our neighbors were inspired. To quote AOC, ‘we met the machine with a movement.’”

“We plan on holding regular meetings, listening to our constituents, and passing progressive solutions.” said Kate Delany, lead organizer of the Collingswood Progressive Democrats.  “These basic things should not be revolutionary. We are building towards real, lasting change, based on issues and progressive ideals. Change happens one victory at a time, and tonight represents a true turning point in Camden County.”

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