NJ's Political Potpourri, a Corona-centric Hodgepodge

It's always sobering when NJ Governor Phil Murphy updates the COVID-19 casualty figures at his daily coronavirus media briefing. The most recent numbers are no exception: there were 1,827 new COVID-19 cases as of this morning, Friday, bringing New Jersey's confirmed total positive test results to 133,635.
Currently perched at 8,801, NJ's death toll roughy equals the population of Park Ridge, the Garden State's 258th largest town. NJ's inexorable COVID body count will pass 10,000, probably on Monday or Tuesday.
Brace yourself for that grim milestone.
Leadership Matters
Gov Murphy has gotten high marks for his coronavirus-era stewardship thus far. And from the looks of it, it's driving the NJGOP crazy.
A recent Rutgers University/Eagleton poll reveals Murphy's poll numbers have skyrocketed. Murphy's favorability is at 59% and his approval rating has soared to 77%.
Kristoffer Shields is assistant research professor and historian at the Eagleton Center on the American Governor.
“Crises such as the current pandemic require governors to assure citizens that they have the situation under control and console those who are suffering,” Mr Shields said. “Gov Murphy has taken a number of bold steps during the coronavirus response, a show of leadership that has thus far garnered widespread support, including from some groups that are typically not in his corner.”
But don't tell the NJGOP who remain as irrelevant and out-of-step as ever.
So what is the NJ Republican Party doing to combat coronavirus?
Sadly, not much. Does misreading the room and then whining about petty stuff count?
Senator Joe Pennacchio recently objected to signs appearing on state highways with the words “Don’t be a Knucklehead” posted on them even though 1) it was an effective message reminding people to stay safe and 2) voters apparently like it a lot.
“I strongly condemn the flippant language the Governor has used in press conferences and on these signs,” Senator Pennacchio said. “The sophomoric language is unbecoming of the Governor, and certainly not fair to the people of New Jersey.”
In retrospect, Sen. Pennacchio's pearl-clutching over the word "knucklehead" probably helped further amplify Gov Murphy's original point: stay home, wash your hands, don't be a knucklehead.
NJGOP chairman Doug Steinhardt, a reliable Murphy critic, had this to say on Twitter:
"Strong leadership demands tough decisions like budget cuts & furloughs not slow walking reopening #NJ to justify emergency borrowing later. Science isn’t killing our economy, leadership is."
First of all, Gov Murphy has repeatedly demonstrated his capacity to make "tough decisions" like closing schools and beaches and restaurants to curb COVID transmissions. Secondly, then implication that Murphy is hijacking COVID for the sake of "emergency borrowing" is lame and unfounded.
Steinhardt adds nothing to the coronavirus discussion besides trumped up hype about the big government liberal boogyman.
While Governor Murphy exudes competence, Pennacchio and NJGOP Steinhardt appear almost put-upon and indeed "offended" by the exact sort of capable leadership that NJ overwhelmingly craves.
InsiderNJ's 2020 LGBT Power List
With coronavirus still smoldering in some places and raging in others, NJ's annual LGBT pride fest in Asbury Park was moved to October 11 this year.
According to organizers, "the event, which traditionally kicks off Pride month (June) in the Garden State, will now be held this fall on National Coming Out Day" instead.
The National Coming Out Day swap is a poetic touch that falls just 23 days before this year's presidential elections. So you can bet, this year's NJ Pride event in Asbury Park will be emphatically and exponentially more political than ever.
Trump versus Biden will motivate many LGBTQs, self included. US Senator Cory Booker is also on the ballot this year so he'll have an outsized profile at this year's rescheduled event.
To his credit, Booker is a Pride regular (see pic) but with his name on the ticket, Pride is the perfect backdrop for Booker to reenforce his enduring allyship to NJ's LGBT community.
InsiderNJ's annual OUT 100 LGBT Power List, a tribute to influential LGBTs in NJ politics, usually comes out in the Fall. This year we planned a June release to mix it up and coincide with Pride month. But with corona pretty much running the schedule, we're sticking to October after all. Pride month, it would appear, has come to us instead.
But our original June timetable means I'm already steeped in a project that won't drop for another 5 month. Last year's list included over 4o new names and I'd like your help keeping this year's edition just as fresh. Do you know a politically influential LGBTQ? Please let me know who and why on Twitter or via email. We'll take nominations in two categories: 1) LGBTQ names for the main list and 2) straight allies for LGBTQ equality.
Jay Lassiter is an award-winning writer, podcaster, and videographer whose radical, liberal agenda currently includes hand-washing, social distancing, and wearing a mask in public.