Corrado: 'And You Consider These People your Friends?'

Senator Kristin Corrado, Assemblyman Kevin Rooney and Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips release a statement condemning the donation of $2500 contribution by former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino to the Democratic candidate for Morris County Sheriff.

Cross-examining Katie Brennan this morning, state Senator Kristin Corrado (R-40) supplied what one Trenton source identified as the quote of the day.

"And you consider these people your friends?" Corrado asked Brennan, when referring to those transition team contacts in Murphy world who evidently never conveyed the urgency and horror of [bubbleAutoLink text="her situation" id="43219"], as she testified - or did anything about it.

The veteran source described Brennan as deeply credible and consistent.

"The timeline will start to be the focus," said the source. "There [are] troubling things here. Like finally telling the administration that charges may be coming and those charges being dropped within 24 hours."

Another source, digesting the entirety of Brennan's testimony to this point, added, "very troubling."

Previous comments for: Corrado: 'And You Consider These People your Friends?'

  1. JP Sartre says:

    Murphy and staff will need a big broom to sweep this under the rug. ;-)

  2. 1Prop says:

    Whose back did Murphy have? Where was the Me Too First Lady?

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