Corrado Defeats DiGaetano for the Line in Passaic County's LD40

WAYNE - Jousting for the line in her home county of Passaic, County Clerk Kristin Corrado tonight defeated Bergen County Republican Chairman Paul DiGaetano in LD40.
Corrado won with 18 out of 22 votes.
Her team won, too.
Assemblyman Kevin Rooney won with 15 out of 22 votes.
And Wyckoff Mayor Chris DePhillips won with 14 out of 22 votes.
The trio beat DiGaetano, Joe Bubba and Norm Robertson.
"We're the candidates' choice," declared DePhillips.
"We move on to Bergen in a very strong position," said Rooney. "This is lucky place for our team. The first time I had two chairmen working against me and this time, two."
Excellent! Congratulations!
1. Congrats to InsiderNJ (aka PolitickerNJ 2, Electric Boogaloo) and Max Pizarro, the Return of the Jeditor of NJ Politics. 2. Glad to see the LD40 ticket moving forward! Corrado, Rooney and DePhillips are a solid team for a solid district. I'm glad sensible heads prevailed in PC. On to BC and another win. 3. In a state dominated by the Democratic Party, Republicans need to remember the bigger picture and stop cannibalizing each other for the sake of myopic agendas and aggrandized egos. We need legislators who can work with both parties and come up with limited government, pragmatic solutions to the soul crushing failure of our borrow, tax and spend absurdity of governing. We need to be mindful of the realities of the new political landscape and not lose sight of the everyman, and everywoman. Okay, enough preaching.