Coughlin, Camaraderie, and Kean

As the political types crowded the Metropark train platform this morning, Tom Kean, the Senate Minority Leader, was almost overlooked as the crowd jockeyed for position with the train approaching.

He didn’t seem to mind.

Kean has been on more than a dozen train trips, but you get the impression the novelty does not wear off.

“Everyone is in an upbeat mood,” he said.

A few minutes later, Assembly Speaker Coughlin was moving through the crowded aisle.

It all has to do with “camaraderie,” he said.

Previous comments for: Coughlin, Camaraderie, and Kean

  1. D P says:

    What on Earth is the purpose of this post other than to prove you were there and put powerful people on the pedestal they want just because they were also there? You gave token coverage to groups legitimately griping about everything wrong with the annual Chamber Train but bombard the blog with updates of OH WOW CRAIG COUGHLIN IS IN THE AISLE OF A TRAIN TOTAL CONTRAST TO TOM KEAN WAITING FOR A TRAIN SOUNDS LIKE DRAMA. But congrats to InsiderNJ on always providing the albolene at the daily circle jerk of worthless political dorks.

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