Coughlin Taps Pintor Marin to Co-Chair Select Committee

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin announced today that selected Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin as co-chair of the Select Committee. The panel is tasked with investigating the handling of the sexual assault allegations against a former high-level state official as well as conducting a review of the criminal justice system’s procedures for responding to allegations of sexual assault, abuse and harassment. Speaker Coughlin released the following statement today:
“Assemblywoman Pintor Marin is a thoughtful and experienced member of our caucus and I have every confidence that she will help lead the upcoming hearings in a way that is both dignified and respectful of the sensitive nature of the issues that will be addressed. Early next week, I also plan to name the remaining assembly members to be appointed to the Select Committee and who will serve as counsel to the panel representing the General Assembly.”
A source close to the caucus mentioned that Assemblyman John McKeon (D-27) had also been kicked around as a possible chair of the committee.
But ultimately Pintor Marin got the gig.