Coughlin’s Tease

They’re rattling, jockeying, all the potential statewide candidates, and amid the din, Speaker Craig Coughlin’s poised to say, “Don’t forget me. I’m here. And I will use the power projection platform of office to demonstrate.,.”

The Death Star’s full destructive power?

No, not exactly.

But power.

Yes, power.

Specifically, Middlesex Power.

In ancient times, politicians leaned on generals to move armies to make statements.

Today, they lean on Twitter.

In this case, Coughlin took to the social media platform to tease his latest initiative.

His chosen subject matter?


“I want to see seniors stay in New Jersey,” the speaker coyly tweeted. “People should be able to remain in the communities they built, with the families they love. I want to make that a priority. Seniors need more property tax relief.”


Coughlin is about to announce a big plan – a $1.9 billion senior property tax cut.

Oh, yeah.

The plan doesn’t have the backing of the senate or the governor.

It’s huge.

And it doesn’t emerge out of the Bessemer processes of extant front office politics.

It’s Coughlin.

Organizationally aligned, of course, but alone – and it absolutely represents a Charles Atlas-style muscle flex by the speaker, and by extension, Middlesex County, as the particles of statewide power appear at the edge of reanimation and rearticulation.

A jittery Menendez vibe ahead of his 2024 reelection (and a presidential election year) means a potential rejiggering of power, which connects with the 2025 gubernatorial tao, and senate prez and speaker.

Governor Mikie Sherrill?

Senator Josh Gottheimer? (If Menendez doesn’t run).

Or vice versa.

Not so fast, says Coughlin, and inferentially, Middlesex.

We – say Middlesex and Coughlin – have a preponderance of state political power.

Today, the speakership.

Tomorrow –

The senate presidency?

Sure, why not?

Why not?

Because if the other counties can’t adequately cohere in time, the governorship may lie within the grasp of Middlesex and Coughlin, after all. Why settle for the speakership or the senate presidency, for that matter, if no one else can assemble power like Middlesex?

Speaker Coughlin.

Senate President Coughlin.

But, wait, he’s not a senator.


Governor Coughlin.

In New Jersey, the fastest mode of signaling powerful intentions is to spotlight the needs – the tremulous and heartstring-yanking needs – of a vulnerable population.


Yes, of course.

Children – and seniors.

Children don’t vote.

Seniors do.

Coughlin tonight gently asserted himself in the unfolding, volatile statewide quest for power.

Details to follow…




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4 responses to “Coughlin’s Tease”

  1. Speaker Coughlin is on target with Property Tax relief if he aims to keep seniors in NJ. The money should come from the NJ State Fund titled “Property Tax Relief Fund.”
    It is a $20 Billion (yes with a B) fund that nobody seems to be aware of. If Coughlin uses this fund appropriately, we could limit everyone’s property tax to 10% of their household income. That’s how to keep seniors in NJ!

  2. If the State (read: Governor) is withholding the $20 BILLION dollars in the Property Tax Relief Fund to make his Dunn & Bradstreet Rating look good to get an “A” grade or better, then the Governor NEEDS TO RESIGN IMMEDIATELY for defrauding taxpayers and property owners. It would be felony Official Misconduct, felony Official Deprivation of Civil (& Constitutional) Rights, felony Pattern of Official Misconduct, felony tax fraud, and criminal fraud.

    The Governor has NO RIGHT to withhold the $20 BILLION dollars earmarked for Property Tax Relief, and needs to release it immediately to give all seniors (most who own property in NJ) immediate property tax relief and reduce their property tax payments by 75-90%.

    Once this $20 BILLION dollars has been fully distributed, property taxes MUST be de-coupled from education taxes. Education taxes MUST then be paid through income & sales taxes (as what the history of this state shows it was supposed to be used for) where everyone pays their FAIR SHARE. This is what is known as being EQUITABLE, quoting the politically correct.

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