Councilwoman Kate L. Triggiano endorses Bernie Sanders for Prez

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, takes a look at the current Democratic candidates for President, whom he says are self destructing by pandering to a vocal segment of the party base that has abandoned the country’s mainstream.


Councilwoman Kate L. Triggiano endorses Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States

Councilwoman Triggiano details her personal trust in Senator Sanders ability to fight and win for working people across the country. 

Red Bank, New Jersey: The first demonstration I ever organized as an activist was a march for Bernie. The first political campaign I organized for was for Bernie. I was moved to higher action because Bernie Sanders shows us that we can, and will, put people first, and that is a different kind of politics.

As a councilwoman, I place my trust in advice from those at the ground level of our community. Our medical workers, teachers, and public sector employees keep our neighborhoods strong. The National Union of Healthcare Workers, American Postal Workers Union, Teachers unions from Nevada, Vermont, and United Teachers Los Angeles — all endorse Bernie Sanders. The message is clear: People who work hard for America trust Bernie to make America work for them.

Americans are, as Bernie says, sick and tired of our healthcare system. 70% of all Americans and 52% of Republicans now support the idea of Medicare-for-all. No one should have to beg for money on GoFundMe to receive life-saving medical attention. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world. We are the only developed country on Earth that does not have a universal healthcare system. National Nurses United, the largest organization of registered nurses in the United States, endorse Bernie Sanders for president.  We trust nurses with our lives, and I trust them to know what’s best for our healthcare system. I join them in trusting Bernie.

Bernie’s immigration plan refocuses modern immigration policy to where it should be- as a human rights issue, not a political issue. With the most comprehensive and just immigration plan of any candidate, it is no surprise that the leading national immigrant rights group, Make the Road Action, endorse Bernie Sanders. By reinstating and expanding DACA, ending for profit detention centers and putting forth an inclusive pathway to citizenship, many of our friends, families and neighbors will finally be able to join us as fully participating members of our communities. Children are being held in cages, families are being separated, and thousands are held in detention centers under inhumane conditions. We need a bold plan to carry out our core values of compassion and dignity and to end cruel immigration policies. I join Make the Road Action In trusting Bernie.

Bernie knows climate change is real and that we cannot place short term profit over our well-being. I refuse to cash checks on my son’s future. We need clean air and clean water, we need updated infrastructure, and we need family sustaining jobs. We need to listen to scientists. We need a Green New Deal, and we need it now. The young leaders of the Sunrise Movement feel the urgency of the moment and the need to make herculean strides towards environmental safety, which is why they strongly endorse Bernie Sanders for president. I trust our Scientists and young leaders to know what’s best for the future of our planet and I join them in trusting Bernie.

It is for all of these reasons and more that I trust and endorse Bernie Sanders in his 2020 bid for President of the United States. Bernie inspired me to run for office and to always stand for the truth, even when standing alone. As Bernie stated, I do not feel lonely now.

I will, as I did in 2016, support the Democratic Nominee, whoever it may be. We have an enormous amount of work to do to achieve a Democratic victory, and I look forward to doing that work with all of you.


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