The COVID-19 Crisis: An Insider NJ History (PDF Publication)

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The people of New Jersey will likely never precisely know the level of disengagement by their government in the lead up to COVID-19 exploding in our midst. Suffice to say no one in the upper echelons of the executive and legislative branches was thinking about a virus. They were too busy trying to wreak havoc on their own ranks with a Democratic “war” for the chairmanship of the party by a group of individuals better suited for massage parlors and clubs than combat zones. But COVID wasn’t looking to administer any back rubs. With New Jersey as unprepared as a deep-tanned TV game show presidency for a serious and decisive response to a deadly virus, the state caught the busines end of COVID with all the ceremony of multiple sudden early casualties.
Coming off a hospital gurney after his own surgery to remove a cancerous growth from his kidney, Governor Phil Murphy exceeded expectations when he finally assumed the command position on the bridge of the Enterprise. What follows in these pages of a special InsiderNJ edition are some of those moments at all levels of New Jersey government – and in the streets – that highlight this suffering and resilient state’s efforts to fight back and survive the worst viral scourge since the pandemic of 1918, as we founder in a gilded age of disparate wealth distribution.
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Published on August 17th, 2020