'What a Creep!': Guns Versus Taxes Debate Takes Centerstage in Bergen's LD38

On the heels of the biggest mass murder in American history, LD38 senate candidate Kelly Langschultz accepted an endorsement from the National Rifle Association (NRA), and Democrats want to know why. Two days after the carnage in Las Vegas, Langschultz pocketed the endorsement. Now as schools across District 38 practice lockdown drills from the early age of 18 months, to actually going into lockdown for fear of an active shooter, the Republican challenger burnishes NRA backing.
“Today we are calling on Kelly Langschultz to answer why she would accept an endorsement from an organization that hopes to dismantle gun violence prevention legislation in New Jersey," said Paul Weborg, campaign manager for state Senator Bob Gordon (D-38), who speaks for the entire Democratic ticket in LD38, including Assemblyman Tim Eustace and Assemblyman Joe Lagana.
“Bob, Tim, and Joe have a clear record of passing legislation that has been instrumental in protecting our communities," Weborg said. "It would be a threat to the safety of the people of District 38 and all of New Jersey to elect someone who is more beholden to dangerous special interests than community interests.”
Langschultz received an endorsement and an “A” grade from the NRA two days after the Las Vegas shooting. Both the Republican and Democrat Gordon encountered an association survey, which included questions about whether they would repeal New Jersey’s “Smart Gun” law, oppose legislation banning the ownership and/or sale of .50 caliber weapons and ammunition, as well as committing to repealing New Jersey’s assault firearms ban.
By the NRA's standards, Gordon failed, while Langschultz nailed it.
“Why is Kelly Langschultz working to make New Jersey families and communities unsafe? The people of District 38 deserve an answer," Weborg wanted to know.
Contacted for comment, Langschultz went after the incumbent Democrat - for the most part focusing on taxes - not guns.
"Bob Gordon is a failed politician by every measure," she said. "On his watch, taxes are so oppressive that people can't afford to stay here, and despite paying more in taxes than anyone else in the country, our infrastructure is in such disrepair that commuters legitimately fear for their life when they get on a train to work. Now he wants to accuse a mother of four young children - and the coach of hundreds of other kids - of not caring about gun violence? What a creep! His desperation is embarrassing. He's only scrambling to attack me now because our campaign momentum has been building each week while he is sleepwalking through this race.
"New Jersey already has some of the strongest gun laws in the nation and as we move forward, rather than demonize law abiding gun owners, we should be focused on the serious mental health crisis facing our communities and doing everything we can to get guns out of the hands of criminals," the GOP challenger added.
How dare these Democratic candidates use this tragedy to try and win an election! The NRA did not pull the trigger in Las Vegas, nor did this Republican mother! These Scavengers will try and do anything to win an election and keep taking money out of your pockets, don't be fooled and don't let them sensationalize murder! How disgusting!!!
Yeah, let's blame Kelly for Las Vegas...she was there pulling the trigger...she also kills 50 people every week in Chicago despite the strictest gun laws around. People that are honest and abide by the laws for the most part can't get a gun to defend themselves in chicago...these people rarely use their guns...just the criminals like those in Newark and Chicago who laugh at laws...yeah, there are nuts like the one Las Vegas that squeeze through, but that is the sad periodic price we pay for freedom and the benefits of the second amendment...this country would never have existed...if we did not have people armed to form a militia...ask King George...