Crispi on Bashaw: 'Disturbing', As Ali Calls for Crispi 'Exorcism'

Morris County Republicans are one GOP organization that has had enough of Mike Crispi.

Crispi, the co-chair of the America First Republicans, rose in prominence in MAGA world when he was

[caption id="attachment_162394" align="alignright" width="300"] Laura Ali.[/caption]

one of the warm-up speakers at Donald Trump's May rally in Wildwood. When Trump arrived, he complimented Crispi's speech.

More recently, Crispi weighed in on Sunday's Senate debate between Curtis Bashaw and Andy Kim. He called Bashaw's performance "disturbing," among other criticisms. One of which was:

"Where are the county chairmen and congressmen who backed Bashaw in the primary against pro-life Republicans like Christine Glassner, Justin Murphy, and Albert Harshaw? Bashaw's nomination is the greatest scam in recent memory and the bosses who ran it will be held accountable."

Later, Crispi complained that:

"Republican party bosses and supposedly pro-life congressmen refused to support President Trump's choice for Senate and instead rigged the ballot to make it appear Trump had endorsed Bashaw. We're committed to ending the party line in the GOP primary starting in 2025."

Some Republican leaders may have just ignored Crispi's rantings, but not Laura Ali in Morris. Here's a statement from the Morris Republican Committee:

"This year, Republicans have the greatest opportunity in our lifetime to deliver a Republican to the United States Senate who is accomplished, successful and authentic.  That gentleman is Curtis Bashaw.  Unfortunately, the day after his excellent debate performance, the people of N.J.once again had to be subjected to the small fringe radicals of our party that claim they stand for Republican principles, but really don’t. Instead, they are hate-mongers who spew vile rhetoric in an attempt to stay relevant.

Mike Crispi, who recently ridiculed Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz’s son for his autism on Twitter/X, decided to send out a massive email blast publicly bashing Curtis Bashaw. His rage was directed on the fact that Bashaw is a pro-choice Republican in a state that has over 900,000 more registered Democrats.  Where was Crispi’s dedication to the pro-life cause when he ran a repulsive and vicious campaign against the former Right-to-Life Chair of N.J.- Congressman Chris Smith, back in 2022?
This kind of despicable attack speech on fellow Republicans has to stop and has to stop now, if our party ever hopes to take back the State House and the State Legislature.  Republicans in New Jersey want and need a big tent, if we are going to ever win elections and change the state.
Our party will start winning again when we have more people with the moral character of Curtis Bashaw and less people that are bags of hot air, that scream loudly into their selfie cameras spewing hate garbage, hoping to be the next Alex Cooper.
I urge all Republicans to come out in droves and vote for the man who can win in November and give us a Republican voice in the US Senate.  That gentleman is Curtis Bashaw."

This is a dispute between mainstream and extreme-MAGA Republicans, but it's more than that.

In fact, it is a real problem for New Jersey Republicans. As noted above, Dems have a registration advantage of more than 900,000. Clearly, it is counterproductive for Republicans to fight among themselves.

But it happens all the time - as we see from Crispi's comments.

An objective look at things is needed.

Yes, Bashaw is pro-choice, but this is New Jersey, not Mississippi.

Because of his views on abortion, Bashaw has a much better chance of beating Kim than any of the losing primary candidates cited above by Crispi. And that is what counts, right? Winning the general election.

A presidential election overwhelms everything else, but let's not forget next year's gubernatorial election where this ideological split will again be on display.

One of the announced GOP gubernatorial candidates, Bill Spadea, routinely criticizes establishment Republicans.

Besides the above statement, Ali, who was recently elected to lead the state's 21 Republican chairs, offered some thoughts about Crispi:

"We need an exorcism on Crispi. He needs to be excommunicated from the party as he is tarnishing our brand."



Previous comments for: Crispi on Bashaw: 'Disturbing', As Ali Calls for Crispi 'Exorcism'

  1. SEM says:

    Absolutely Henry. But, when does life begin? That is the next challenging debate. This is a moral issue that has no place in politics . It will be used grossly to capture votes with ridiculous rhetoric. It deserves grace, not the opportunity to push a political agenda or a political career.

  2. Henry says:

    Doesn't the Constitution contain the Right to Life?

  3. SEM says:

    This abortion thing is really getting old and worn out. Clearly women are being used, and have been used every election cycle, to get their vote. Inflame the issue with fearful rhetoric or label it as reproductive rights - and off to the voting booth you go! Abortion is a very personal and emotional issue having no place in politics. But, it will be used over and over again as the driving force to win votes.

  4. Henry says:

    Well said Thomas. Only an Establishment RINO would say there's no movement conservatives. They elected Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump! The movement follows the Judeo/Christian Ethic, and they're also Constitutionalists! Crispi made some good points, however, he does go off the rails. It's his Roger Stone influence. Crispi said some ugly disparaging things about Gov. Desantis'wife referring to her as a c-word!

  5. Henry says:

    Well said Thomas. Only an Establishment RINO would say there's no movement conservatives. They elected Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump! The movement follows the Judeo/Christian Ethic, and they're also Constitutionalists! Crispi made some good points, however, he does go off the rails. It's his Roger Stone influence. Crispi said some ugly disparaging things about Gov. Desantis' referring to her as a c-word!

  6. Thomas Jefferson says:

    New Jersey Republicans are being led down the path to Hell by Chris Christie lovers and other RINOs in the state. I'm sorry, but clowns like Bashaw and Spadea are falling into the RINO trap in New Jersey. With these candidates that "go along to get along" , Republicans will continue to lose. Tired of the same old party line that we have to reach across the aisle. Democrats don't. Why should Republicans.

  7. Gail says:

    Crispi and those like Spadea do not represent the values of mainstream New Jersey Republicans—they’re focused solely on promoting their own interests through divisive and inflammatory behavior. Their track records show a pattern of backing losing candidates in primary after primary. Ali is right—this kind of toxic rhetoric is not something Republicans support. Someone should be advising Trump to distance himself from these individuals, as they’re doing more harm than good. It was especially disturbing to hear that Crispi mocked the autistic son of someone on the other side. Even Trump would have been sickened by such behavior. And let’s be clear—there is no such thing as a ‘movement conservative.’ When you look at the so-called ‘conservative’ primary choices backed by Crispi or Spadea, they all lose. It’s fascinating how these individuals continue to lie to their Republican followers. How many times do they or their bad candidates have to lose primary’s to regular, traditional Republicans before people catch on? Yet, they are telling people they can win in a state-wide election with over 900.000 more registered Democrats? Realizing that mostly Democrats will read this, I just wanted to offer a moderate Republican’s point of view here. For the good of the Republican Party, more Republicans need to step away from figures like Crispi and Spadea. Their contributions consist only of unelectable candidates and hateful rhetoric, which undermines the party’s ability to grow and win.

  8. Henry says:

    Movement Conservatives will NOT vote for a Pro-Abortion rights candidate who didn't vote for Trump in 2016, and talks about how he's married to another man, (which he didn't talk about during the primary!) Wealthy Bashaw bought many Chairmen, whose organizations are strapped for cash, although other Chairs supported Trump endorsed Christine Serrano Glassner, who should have been the nominee! Trump would have campaigned for Christine, and this would have brought in Independents, and disgruntled Democrats who like Trump! He is more popular among them than this out-of-touch columnist thinks. Over 100,000 plus were in Wildwood to come out to see Trump! Two days before the primary, Bashaw put out a hit piece on Glassner full of lies, and there was no time to retort those untruths! DIRTY politics! The Conservative base, which is the majority of the Republican Party, still believes in family values and Judeo-Christian ethic, and many will be writing in Christine Serrano Glassner for Senate.

  9. Kathleen Demarest says:

    If Trump loses, Mike Crispi will be in need of employment. Think twice, perhaps 3 times, if he becomes a financial/wealth manager. Posted by Crispi on October 26, 2024 Liquidated my entire portfolio and put it into $DJT stock You didn’t? Stay poor, liberals.

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