Crispi Calls for Loyalty Pledge to President Trump


America First Republican Chairman and RNC At-Large Trump Delegate candidate Mike Crispi today called on his fellow running mates for Delegate and Alternate Delegate to pledge their support to President Trump no matter how or when he is to become the official nominee of the Republican Party.

"President Trump is under attack like never before and needs to know that New Jersey has his back," Crispi said.  "New Jersey Trump Delegates should reaffirm their commitment to vote for President Trump no matter what."

Crispi was reacting to news that corrupt New York State Judge Juan Merchan plans to sentence President Trump on July 11, four days before the Republican National Convention is set to begin.

"President Trump has pledged to go to prison in order to defend the Constitution," Crispi said.  "If he has to accept the Republican nomination under house arrest or from a jail cell on Rikers Island, we don't need weak-kneed Republicans to cut-and-run at the very moment we have to be united."

Crispi said his concerns arise from the cohort of New Jersey Delegate candidates who are actively backing a Never-Trump senate candidate whose most significant political experience prior to this year was supporting Cory Booker for Senate.

"President Trump endorsed Chistine Glassner for Senate and every Trump Delegate candidate should be supporting her," Crispi said.  "It's an easy choice to support President Trump's endorsed senate candidate, but if they can't even do that how do we know they'll support President Trump in Milwaukee when the going gets tough?"

Crispi said that once New Jersey's delegation is formally elected, he will move an internal resolution by open vote committing the Garden State's votes to President Trump no matter what.

Crispi also said that the New Jersey delegation should be prepared to nominate President Trump prior to the Convention in Milwaukee.

"I don't want to hear any excuses from anyone who agreed to be a Trump Delegate as to why he can't or shouldn't be nominated," Crispi said.  "President Trump won a great race in 2016, he won an even better race in 2020, and he will win again in 2024 and actually take office in January so that we can get our country back on track."


Previous comments for: Crispi Calls for Loyalty Pledge to President Trump

  1. Jack McKee says:

    ‘The members of the central committee excitedly shouted over each other to pledge their unwavering support for Comrade Trump’s newest plan for mass deportations. Their blind support of Trump is both embarrassing and closer to the Soviet Union of the 1930s than to any period of American history. He reminds me of a poorly-spoken Stalin. I refuse to vote either side because of heinous corruption and will vote third party (again). It’s the only way my vote means anything ethical.

  2. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Marlene Zech can remove her lips from Felony Donnie's Johnson any time now.

  3. Richard Grant says:

    "Crispi was reacting to news that corrupt New York State Judge Juan Merchan plans to sentence President Trump on July 11, four days before the Republican National Convention is set to begin." When InsiderNJ runs a press release in its Columnist section without identifying it as a press release and stating its source, it looks like an InsiderNJ columnist without a credit line has stated that New York State judge Juan Merchan is corrupt.

  4. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Crispi is a mental pygmy.

  5. Marlene Zech says:

    I have every intention of voting for President Trump. Best man for the job. It's time to hold the Demonrat party accountable for their lies and despicable actions. I have so much respect for President Trump. He done so much for our country the first time and I know he will do it again. With senile Joe & the laughing hyena vp our country has gone to hell in a hand basket. God Bless President Trump & his family.


    It’s not a cult. It’s not, it’s not?

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