'Crushing for Small Businesses': Gopal Opposes Minimum Wage Deal


Calling it "crushing for small businesses," state Senator Vin Gopal (D-11) this afternoon said he stands in strong opposition to the newly agreed upon minimum wage deal by Democratic Party leadership.

“The deal announced today by the Democratic Party leadership is a disastrous deal that will issue a devastating blow to our small business community and inevitably result in the closure of countless mom and pop shops,” said Gopal. “These are not large corporations that can absorb the blow. Forcing small business owners to drastically raise their minimum wage over this short period will result in layoffs and closures, which will ultimately hurt our local economy and will only empower bigger corporations.

“The owner of a coffee shop or an ice cream parlor does not make a six-figure salary," added the Monmouth County-based lawmaker. "Often, these business owners don’t make a profit for the first several years of business. We cannot jeopardize our small business community with a frivolous minimum wage policy. The majority of the mom and pop businesses, already facing very high rents here in Monmouth County, will, without question, suffer as a direct result of this deal. The plan also offers no concrete economic study to determine the impact on a regular basis."

Previous comments for: 'Crushing for Small Businesses': Gopal Opposes Minimum Wage Deal

  1. Astraea says:

    Gee, if a Republican Governor or legislature were against a higher minimum wage, Gopal would have been all for an increase .. and called them heartless!

  2. 1Prop says:

    I would be curious what his position would be if they needed his vote.

  3. Kirielson says:


  4. Stephen Hanft says:

    Finally, an intelligent Democrat that understands the severe consequences that this disaster wage mandate will have on the small business community

  5. Joseph says:

    Can you explain this comment to me

  6. Justin Escher Alpert says:

    Get entrepreneurial non-recourse credit flowing to support real livng wages and tax the rents to REITs to pay for it.

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