Cruz Exits

Dan Cruz, an early Republican US Senate challenger, has announced his withdrawal from the race.

“I am officially ending my United States Senate race as I do not see a path to victory against Tammy Murphy or Andy Kim,” Cruz said in a statement. “I understand Bob Menendez is currently holding the seat as our Senator as well as running for reelection. However, I do not see Bob Menendez getting past the primaries; beating Bob Menendez was a huge mountain to climb as well, but there could have been a slim chance to beat him.”

Cruz, originally from Paterson before moving to Sussex County, had challenged incumbent State Senator Steve Oroho in 2021 but was defeated in the primary election. Undaunted, Cruz set his sights even higher for his next political campaign, hoping to displace US Senator Bob Menendez, embattled with fresh legal woes that has left him with ever-diminishing political capital and prospects.

A family man and former school board member, Cruz has decided to suspend his campaign and focus on matters closer to home. Cruz was critical of long-shot candidates who hang on too long, suggesting such endeavors might be personally fueled rather than in the best interests of their supporters. “In my opinion, more people should be realistic when they are running in a blue county or district, but the truth of the matter is, people have egos and too much pride to step away from a race they just don't have a chance of winning. Perhaps, as I met candidates along the way, they are just using the campaign funds to fund their personal ventures which I believe is a disservice to our donors.”

Cruz continued, saying he would no longer be seeking elected office going forward. “As a 20-year-plus educator, who served as high as a Chief School Administrator, as well as wearing many hats within the world of education, I am prepared to help the Republican Party and candidates to continue fighting for our views and values. But I do not see a future with me running for any elected office. I would rather continue focusing on my girls’ tennis career. So enough of me, and the world will learn about my tennis girls in the near future.”

As Cruz wound down his campaign, looking to foster his young daughters’ aspiring tennis futures, he called for unity, when American politics are at one of their most polarized and divisive in living memory.  “We are in a time where we should be healing and working together, not against each other,” Cruz said, “and I can't be a part of people who just want to be negative all the time, it's not who I am.”

Christine Serrano-Glassner, who serves as the mayor of Mendham, is the leading Republican US Senate candidate as of this writing. On the other side of the aisle, the Democrats see First Lady Tammy Murphy, Congressman Andy Kim, Patricia Campos-Medina, and Larry Hamm heading into their primary race against Menendez.

Previous comments for: Cruz Exits

  1. Amy says:

    Glad je’s not wasting his money! It’s a two way race between First Lady Murphy and Rep. Kim. If only it was a fair fight. Still need fair ballots. But momentum is 100% behind Kim. Never seen anything like it in NJ. Democracy might win after all.

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