Daniel Croson files for Warren Board of Education, submits more than 10 times the required amount of signatures


Daniel Croson filed petitions with the Somerset County Clerk to run in the November 2nd election for the Warren Board of Education. While the filing deadline is not until July, Croson had already collected over 100 signatures on his petition. The required number of signatures for Board of Education candidates is 10.

“I am truly humbled by the overwhelming support our campaign has received since we began this process just a few weeks ago,” said Croson. “Filing three months ahead of the deadline with more than 10 times the required number of signatures is evidence that our message is resonating with Warren residents.”

An educator by background, Croson had previously served on the Carteret Board of Education, chairing both the Finance Committee and Parent Liaison Committee during his tenure. He has worked as a 4th grade teacher and Dean of Students, and currently serves as the Deputy Director of Strategy for the Newark Opportunity Youth Network.

“Education doesn’t look the same as it did last year,” Croson added. “As we begin to navigate a post-Covid world, many challenges still await. From learning loss to budget gaps, our elected officials must think outside the box to address issues that will arise from such an unprecedented disruption to our systems. I’m running for the Warren Board of Education because I know that this next chapter in our history requires leaders with creative solutions and a track record of getting things done.”

Croson currently serves on the Warren Recreation Advisory Committee and is a member of the local Lions Club. He and his wife, Anjli, reside on Fairfield Avenue. 

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