Danielsen's War Room: LD17 Assemblyman Campaigns with Marano
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NORTH PLAINFIELD - Formerly the chairman of the Franklin Twp. Democratic Committee, Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (D-17) knows his sprawling, Democratic Party-dominant town will be critical this year if Democrats are going to take control of the Somerset County Freeholder Board.
The assemblyman's county is defined by a race between incumbent Republican Freeholder Pat Walsh and Democratic challenger Melonie Marano.
Both women are former Green Brook Township mayors.
If Walsh loses, Democrats will have a 3-2 majority on the Freeholder Board.
The incumbent Republican has a friend in Franklin, fellow Republican Freeholder Brian Levine, but Danielsen is confident that his town - defined locally by the reelection campaign of incumbent Democratic Mayor Phillip Kramer - will be critical to electing Marano and Russo countywide.
Danielsen today went door to door with Marano in North Plainfiled, home turf of Walsh's GOP running mate, local Police Chief Bill Parenti.
Parenti is in a rundown for the sheriff's office with Danielsen's friend, retired Franklin Twp. cop Darrin Russo.