Darkness at Noon at The Washington Post

The LA Times and now The Washington Post, owned by oligarchs, will not endorse someone for president. The Washington Post needs to take down the front-page moniker, Democracy Dies in Darkness and change it to Darkness at Noon, honoring the allegory about the USSR during the 1938 purges where Stalin consolidated his dictatorship and eliminated rivals.

Moving forward, when will the menus for how to prepare dogs and cats be published by these ‘august’ periodicals? Or why not just go ahead and really play it safe, endorse Trump?

Trump admires Hitler and Hitler’s generals, documented by General Kelly, and is seen by the classical definition as a fascist by Kelly, Milley, and high-ranking others. Why not Stalin, too. Trump is secure with his role models and bromances with dictators and fascists Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and Orban, the first three allies of Putin and Iran.

Cowering and playing it safe. Is it preparation for the norms of a fascist America?

Recently we had the Al Smith dinner with the elite yuking it up while Trump despicably ranted sexual disparagements at Chuck Schumer and about Tim Walz and women’s periods. Those attending – Schumer, Bloomberg, the Catholic elite, and women should have immediately condemned Trump and walked out in ‘mass’. This could have been a pivotal moment, but cowing to whatever Trump says is the safe way. Vance goes from Trump as Hitler to Trump as Savior.

Trump’s trash talks for those who admire it or kowtow to it, i.e., elected Republicans in Congress, no matter his never ending and exhausting lies and blasphemies. They go on and on. He won the last election and the insurrection was a peaceful love fest. We wanted abortion legislation returned to the states, that in effect has created a post Roe v. Wade slave states (with severe restrictions on and punishments for women’s healthcare decisions) and free states where women tentatively have the right to those decisions. Calling those who have served and serve in our military, not limited to John McCain as “suckers” and “losers”. Haitians eating cats and dogs, akin to the Jewish Blood Libel that accuses Jews of murdering Christians and using their blood to perform religious rituals. So many more and so exhausting, but like Goebbels, Mussolini, Putin, and other propagandists and fascists, repeat a lie repeatedly, and people will begin to believe it. Harris says we won’t go back. I fear we are going back to Orwell’s prophetic 1984.

Those who cow and bend a knee at these newspapers to their billionaire financiers know all this and more that this humble writer has explained. They also know with the bottom line for the middle class that Harris’s plans for the economy is independently analyzed as better for the economy than Trump’s. Read Higher prices, larger deficits’: 23 Nobel Prize-winning economists slam Trump agenda, endorse Harris,by Rebecca Picciotto. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/10/23/nobel-prize-winning-economists-donald-trump-agenda-endorse-harris.html. No doubt the editorial boards of these and other papers have. To summarize, these economists have said Trump’s economic agenda, that includes hardline tariff proposals and a slate of aggressive tax cuts favor the wealthiest, and would “lead to higher prices, larger deficits, and greater inequality.”

Trump says he loves tariffs. He calls it a beautiful word. What are tariffs and what do they do, and why do Harris and economists cited above call it a national sales tax. Tariffs are increased import fees that result in substantially higher costs for these goods that are passed on to the consumer. In effect, it becomes a national sales tax on these consumer goods. Tariffs disproportionally hurt the middle class and poor, as a national sales tax would, for they pay more for any item with less income whereas for the rich it is immaterial.

In contrast, with a stronger and endorsed economic plan, Harris will work to protect and enhance the Accordable Care Act, redress and restore women’s and doctor’s health care decisions, protect, restore, and enhance voting rights and electoral integrity, incentivize small businesses and entrepreneurial endeavors, provide financial incentives for new home buyers, and have the wealthiest pay their fair share in taxes, while tackling high costs of rent and consumer goods. Oh, and she is an American success story, a public servant of many coats, who loves our country and military and does not profess any dictatorial leanings or yearnings. No wonder so many Conservative Republicans have endorsed her, too.

But not the editorial boards cowering under their owner-oligarchs’ stranglehold regardless of a general’s warning of the coming fascism under Trump and his henchmen.

It makes you wonder why they do not do an endorsement. For them more is never enough – power and money, and they cannot wait for another tax break and the power that their money allows.


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2 responses to “Darkness at Noon at The Washington Post”

  1. Perhaps the lack of an endorsement reflects the position that millions of Americans hold, that they don’t believe the Vice President is a viable alternative. Many believe that neither candidate represents them and maybe these papers (for a change) are reflecting the views of the people rather than trying to influence those views.

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