Davis to Nominate his Wife as Deputy Clerk


Sources in Hudson County confirm that Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis will name is wife as deputy county clerk, replacing the sister of the candidate who ran against him for mayor last May.

Diane Liming, who served as campaign treasurer for Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski, will not be reappointed in January.

Davis’s wife, who works in Bayonne as a 9/11 dispatcher for 30 years and as a Jersey City 9/11 dispatcher two years prior to that, will be appointed to a five-year term.

While county commissioners will eventually vote on the appointment, this is largely a formality since the deputy clerk is an appointment made by the county executive.

Liming’s appointment to a county job was seen as political made when -Nadrowski’ still served as council president in Bayonne. Ashe Nadrowski has several relatives that have seen appointments or promotions during her term in office, none of whom are being replaced. Her brother currently oversees the Bayonne office of the Division of Motor Vehicle.  Her son recently was promoted in the police department.

Davis and Liming have known each other since they were kids growing up in Bayonne, and so this is something of a family feud, even though the move to replace Liming may largely actually come out of the County political organization that may be reluctant to reappoint the relative of a known-political opponent to Mayor Davis.

But as one political observer noted, if you live by the sword you die by the sword, meaning that if you get your job through politics, you also lose it when the political landscape changes.

This is not the first time a deputy county clerk has not been reappointed. Mary Jane Desmond, who recently successfully won a seat on the Bayonne school board, was given the boot when she ran against Barbara Netchert for County Clerk on a ticket headed by then maverick Union City Mayor Brian Stack in 2008. Stack won, but everybody on his county-wife ticket including Desmond, went down in flames.

Ironically, Desmond’s school board race was allegedly supported by Ashe-Nadrowski and against a ticket endorsed by Mayor Davis.

While those close to Davis claim the move to replace Liming was not revenge for having her work the Ashe-Nadrowski campaign, the appointment of his wife to the position is bound to run salt in an already bitter political wound – since Ashe-Nadrowski came within a 100 votes of sending the mayoral election into a run off.




Previous comments for: Davis to Nominate his Wife as Deputy Clerk

  1. Peter Z says:

    Another example of NJ corruption

  2. Laura M says:

    Not cool

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