Day of the Wildwood Trump Rally - The Dignified and Heroic Courage of Kate Gibbs

On this day of the arrival of Donald Trump into New Jersey for one of his Nuremberg-style rallies, there are three words to describe the optics of the Republican Party, both inside New Jersey and nationally, a party to which I once devoted my life:  Parafascism, oligarchism, and sexism.

The parafascism will be reflected in tonight’s rally:  the nativism, racism, and xenophobia, reminiscent of the rallies in the 1930s and 1940s of Father Charles Coughlin and Gerald L.K. Smith, all played out on the streets of Wildwood.

The oligarchism is most vividly described in a book published last week, American Oligarchs: The Kushners, The Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power by the renowned journalist, Andrea Bernstein.

Most brilliantly, this fine new tome describes how the grandparents of Jared Kushner escaped the horrors and hells of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe and had to lie on their immigration application to gain entry into America.  Yet Jared Kushner and his Inspector Javert, Stephen Miller, with outrageous insouciance, enforce the Trumpian cruel and inhumane immigration policies that both deny the American dream to families seeking entry at the Mexican border and dismember through separation of the children from their parents these families as well.

And the sexism that is rampant in the GOP is reflected in the national polls that show 60 percent of American women want Donald Trump, a president who carries a despicable record of sexual predatory activity, removed from office.

Considering the horrific party optics, you would think the New Jersey Republican Party leadership and rank-and-file would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic regarding the candidacy of Kate Gibbs in New Jersey Congressional District Three.

Kate is a former Burlington County freeholder with absolutely massive credentials to serve in the US House of Representatives.

Gibbs is the Deputy Director for the Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC 825), a collaborative trust focused on creating work opportunities for the members and signatory contractors of Local 825 Operating Engineers.

She earned her Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, graduating Summa Cum Laude and a B.A. from The American University, with a Double Major in Public Communications and Political Science.

Kate also served on the Board of Trustees for Rowan College at Burlington County, where she was integral in expanding the County’s Workforce Development Institute and played an active role in establishing the College’s partnership with Rowan University.

Is it any wonder that the Burlington County Republican Committee already has endorsed the candidacy of Kate Gibbs?  In a year of likely Republican disaster in both New Jersey and nationally, Kate has the right stuff to defeat the incumbent Democratic Congressman, Andy Kim. She literally radiates a warm and exuberant personality that makes you want to follow her in any campaign.

But no!   He who must be obeyed, the Sir Mordred of the NJGOP, and Lead NJGOP General of the Oligarchy, The Rotund One Chris Christie, will not have it!

Christie left office in 2018 as the most unpopular governor in modern New Jersey history.  He and his Sancho Panza, Bill Palatucci insist on keeping control of the NJGOP.  Chris Christie is as fit a leader for the New Jersey Republican Party as Bernie Madoff is to chair the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits.

Lord Christie has an agenda of his own.  He knows that Trump is headed for a landslide defeat this November. Christie will then launch a candidacy for the White House on the political ashes of Donald Trump.  In order to do so, however, he and Sancho Panza Palatucci feel they must keep control of the Republican Party at home in New Jersey.  That’s where they are attempting to launch a 2021 gubernatorial campaign for Republican Assembly leader Jon Bramnick.

A newly arrived NJGOP oligarch, David Richter, former CEO of Hill International, one of the nation’s largest construction companies, has declared that he is entitled to a seat in the United States House of Representatives.  Deprived of the opportunity to seek the Republican nomination for the House in Congressional District Two by the [bubbleAutoLink text="party switch" id="72717"] of incumbent Congressman Jeff Van Drew, David casts his longing eyes on Congressional District Three.

And David cuts a dirty deal with Chris Christie.  They declare Kate Gibbs politically dead and buried.  And Chris the self-anointed one in turn anoints David as the GOP nominee for Congressional District Three.

And to make matters even more sacred, Lead Bridgegate Refugee Bill Stepien will be the consultant to the Richter campaign.  Wow!  It appears that the bromance between Christie and Stepien is back!

What a sleazy entente: Christie-Richter-Stepien.  Their deal has the most vile political stench of oligarchism and sexism.

Except that these Three Stooges haven’t reckoned with Kate Gibbs.  She is saying to this modern incantation of Larry, Curly, and Mo: “Hell, no - I won’t go!”  Read her following statement:

“Anyone who thinks they can push me around doesn’t know anything about South Jersey women. I was raised by a single mom who taught me how to stand up for myself and never back down from a challenge.  To our party leaders who like to talk about empowering and supporting young Republican women to run and serve, well, here I am.

“The ball is in your court.  I’ve worked at the grassroots level for years to elect Republicans in South Jersey, was the youngest elected Freeholder Director in the state, cut taxes every year I was in office, and am proud to be a leader for the state building trades.  I’m not stepping aside for anybody.  Especially not a seat shopper who apparently believes he’s entitled to party support — somewhere, anywhere.  My motivation for running isn’t to wear a pin and get a title; I am running to serve the people of Burlington and Ocean Counties and I intend to win.”

A heroic woman of dignity and class:  How can you not love Kate Gibbs!!

The arrogance of Christie, Richter, and Stepien will backfire, particularly among women.  They will be proud of Kate’s refusal to accept Christie’s degradation of her to second class political citizenship.

And Republican women from inside and outside Congressional District Three will have their own message to the Rotund One, Chris Christie, using his own words:


Alan J. Steinberg served as Regional Administrator of Region 2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as Executive Director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission.

Previous comments for: Day of the Wildwood Trump Rally - The Dignified and Heroic Courage of Kate Gibbs

  1. Marlene Coles says:

    I don't remember Mr. Richter or his father being active in the Cherry Hill Republican party when he lived here. His sudden conservative positions were never lobbed at the Norcross machine down here when it might have mattered like the close race George Geist had with Senator Madden, which gave control of the state senate to the democrats.

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