The Dead Zone: A Chamber, a Deadline - and No Deal

TRENTON - The members of the Democratic caucus have left the chamber for an impromptu pizza party, leaving Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-32) on the rostrum and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald (D-6) to roam the mostly empty seats.
It was a curious tandem.
They apparently shared unkind words earlier, right after the vote.
Now the mood dangled.
Senators wandered in here, bored maybe, or in search of reporters, or blandly expectant of something outside the confines of their rarified realm - excitement maybe, a shot of assembly adrenaline.
There was Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean (R-21).
"Hello, sir," he could be heard brightly intoning in the direction of some no doubt lower order of being in this house, which is, by definition, lower.
Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11) wandered in, so did state Senator Jeff Van Drew (D-1).
Senator Dick Codey (D-27) paid a visit.
At one point, there were more senators than assemblypeople in the chamber.
Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-19) appeared animated enough to briskly stride momentarily among some of the key players, sidling up to Prieto at one point, where the speaker remained seated in Buddha-like repose.