DeCroce Asks Brennan What Lawmakers Can Do Legislatively to Rectify the Situation

With algae bloom closing the lake to swimmers, local office holders and candidates are trying to portray themselves as chief protectors of Lake Hopatcong, the state’s largest freshwater lake, going forward.

Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce drilled into Katie Brennan's thoughts on what government can do to improve the [bubbleAutoLink text="hiring process" id="43219"] and safeguard against the wrong people landing in positions of power.

"You talked about the fact that you didn't have to fill out an application,' DeCroce said.

Did she send a resume to the transition team in her pursuit of a government job?

She did, Brennan said.

"Should [a person] go through a complete background check and [someone accused] of any alleged crime... not be considered for a government position until the matter is resolved?" the assemblywoman from Morris wanted to know.

"I don't know the answer in terms of the implications," said Brennan. "But yes... I have reported that Al Alvarez attacked me and raped me. [Two other women reported the same]. So few of them [these cases] move to trial and so few of them ever get convicted... it's he said-she said. There's not going to be something on their background check."

She again emphasized a breakdown in this particular case.

"If I told them I was raped, then they know that. It's a hiring process, and they chose to move forward. There is something they need to do to address that," Brennan said.


Previous comments for: DeCroce Asks Brennan What Lawmakers Can Do Legislatively to Rectify the Situation

  1. 1Prop says:

    With past administrations, appointees had to clear background checks. If Murphy's people are not asking for them to be done, they are totally at fault. If they are being done and nothing came up on Alvarez, then the Hudson Prosecutor's Office did not reveal it. Also, Alvarez must have lied in his application, unless they no longer ask you to reveal anything in your background that might disqualify you. It all smells of incompetence and cover-up.

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