DeCroce Keeps Pace with Webber in the LD-26 Money War


It doesn't look like losing the "county line" is costing BettyLou DeCroce much money.

DeCroce has raised about $157,000 in her bid to keep her state Assembly seat in LD-26.

That's almost as much as fellow incumbent Jay Webber, who raised an estimated $169,000, according to campaign finance reports made public today.

Webber and DeCroce are both seeking to stay in the Assembly, but that's where the similarities end.

The Morris County Republican Committee endorsed Webber and newcomer Christian Barranco in March, bypassing DeCroce. However, DeCroce was endorsed by GOP leaders in Essex and Passaic counties, which comprise a small part of this mostly Morris County district.

That prompted Webber and Barranco to team up. The only report on file today for Barranco shows an $8,200 contribution from Local 102 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He is a union electrician.

Webber's report also lists an $8,200 donation from the IBEW in addition to a $5,200 loan from himself.

DeCroce's report shows $8,200 contributions each from political action committees representing New Jersey Laborers, Realtors and the New Jersey Education Association. The teachers' union leans Democratic, but it also has a tendency to back some Republican incumbents.

DeCroce also reported getting $5,200 from former Rep. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, some of which came from his old congressional PAC. Frelinghuysen, who has kept a low profile since leaving Congress three years ago, surfaced last week to endorse DeCroce.

The fourth candidate in the race, Tom Mastrangelo, reported raising an estimated $35,000. A Morris County commissioner, Mastrangelo got in the race relatively late.

In a humorous development, Laura Ali, the chair of the Morris County Republican Committee, reacted today to comments by Democratic Senator Richard Codey that he hopes DeCroce wins. He also questioned the GOP's competence in not endorsing DeCroce.

Ali retorted:

"His comments based on decades of experience as a liberal, tax increasing Democrat will be given their due respect by the Morris County GOP." She also suggested that Codey should care more about the economic and social damage that "he, Gov. Murphy and his party have done to New Jersey" than who wins a Republican primary.

Codey, of course, can't vote for DeCroce, but he can always write a check. Stay tuned.

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