DeGise Throws More Soldiers onto the Battlefield

JERSEY CITY, NJ -- One day after his political opponents launched a sneak attack, friends and supporters of County Executive Tom DeGise said they intend to rally behind him and announced the formation of the "Jersey City for DeGise" Committee. The committee is composed of a diverse group of current and former elected officials who are [bubbleAutoLink text="supporting the County Executive for re-election" id="26483"] and will be working hard to ensure that the DeGise campaign wins Jersey City in the 2019 Democratic Primary, no matter who his opponent will be.
"Tom DeGise is going to win because under his leadership Hudson County has gone from the most corrupt county to the most progressive county in the State of New Jersey, and the residents of Jersey City know that and will show it next June," said Ward D Councilman Michael Yun.
The Jersey City for DeGise Committee's founding members include:
- Ward C Councilman Rich Boggiano
- Ward D Councilman Michael Yun
- Freeholder Jerry Walker
- Board of Education Trustee Amy DeGise
- Former Jersey City Mayor Jeremiah Healy
- Former Assemblywoman Joan Quigley
- Former Assemblyman Sean Connors
- Former Councilman Peter Brennan
- Former Councilman Ben Lopez
Additional members of the Jersey City for DeGise Committee will be named in the coming days
"Tom DeGise is a true son of Jersey City with an outstanding record of accomplishment and integrity," said Councilman Boggiano. "Anyone who doubts the strength of the DeGise name in Jersey City should look at last year's election, where Amy DeGise out-polled two at-large Council members."
DeGise yesterday reaffirmed that he is running for re-election in 2019, and announced that he has the support of U.S. Rep. Albio Sires, North Bergen Mayor and State Senator Nicholas Sacco, Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis and the mayors of Guttenberg, Secaucus, Kearny, Harrison and East Newark.
"Tom DeGise has been my friend for a long time, but he's also been a true friend to Jersey City and a leader we can always count on," said former Mayor Healy. "Tom restored dignity and honor to county government and there is no one better to continue serving Hudson County than him."
"I've always been proud to call myself a lifelong Jersey City resident and I'm absolutely honored to have the support of so many outstanding leaders in our great community," said County Executive DeGise. "Our campaign will fight tooth and nail for every single Democratic vote in Jersey City and I can't imagine a better group of people to stand beside me in this effort."