DeGise Wants Reapportionment Commission Vote Delay

In a confirmation of no deal existing between Senators Brian Stack and Nick Sacco, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise - a staunch Sacco ally - this afternoon issued a statement, which proves the Sacco-on-the-chopping-block implications of a proposed map.
"As an elected leader representing the most diverse county in the state, I am demanding that the members of the Apportionment Commission delay their planned vote until next week in order to allow the residents of Hudson County to be properly heard regarding this potentially seismic, disruptive change to our legislative representation. This matter is far too important for the future of Hudson County and the entire state to be rushed through in a closed process without public input. I implore the members of the commission to delay their vote, and I also call on other elected officials from Hudson County and throughout the state to join me and add their voices to the goal of making sure that this vote does not proceed today. We must reach a compromise that protects the interests of Hudson County residents along with the rest of the state, but that can only happen if a sufficient amount of time is given to allow the process to continue. Moving forward with a vote at this time would be absolutely unacceptable."