DeGroot Plans 'Pragmatic Outsider' Role for ROEvember Rally

Paul DeGroot has interesting plans for Saturday.
The Republican candidate in CD-11 plans to attend a March to ROEvember rally in Montclair.
This is very much a Democratic event that is bound to attract Democratic politicians, including Mikie Sherrill, the woman DeGroot is running against. Abortion rights, after all, are a key part of the Democrats' midterm campaign.
DeGroot's point is simple - he's pro-choice and he wants people to know it.
In fact, he plans to give his supporters shirts identifying them as both pro-choice and pro-Paul DeGroot.
"As a pragmatic outsider, he (DeGroot) stands with the women of our district and respects their right to choose," says a message from the DeGroot campaign.
Two points need to be made.
One is that many Republicans are pro-life, or at least they are not pro-choice to the extreme. So, there certainly is some political peril in taking part in what is clearly a Democratic event.
The other point is that the Sherrill campaign has been attacking DeGroot for saying he opposes a federal law to codify Roe v. Wade. He also opposes federal legislation banning abortion.
DeGroot wants to stress that he is pro-choice and that he backs New Jersey law on the subject, which is permissive. And he says the best way to make that point is to show up - hopefully with a group of supporters - at a pro-choice rally.
DeGroot said Thursday afternoon that he is tired of "people lying about me."
By people, he means the Sherrill campaign.
There is no reason for DeGroot to attend this Democrat-Communist rally for abortion in Montclair. Abortion isn't even on the radar for most voters. It's the economy, inflation, crime, illegal alien invasion at the southern border, and parents rights against school indoctrination that are the top issues voters are most concerned about. He's better off prepping for the debates on those 5 issues against Sherrill coming at the end of the month, even though a significant number of voters have already voted by ballot--which is the fraudulent way to vote. The abortion issue is a non-starter. Every poll shows that abortion is ranked 10th or lower on the list of concenrns of voters.
Peter Z. (comment #1 above) is right. Mikie must be made to acknowledge and defend her votes for all the things that are hurting the constituents she's supposed to be representing! It's been announced that three debates will be held on October 23, 25 and 26. We can only hope that tough but fair questions will be asked of both candidates, and that the debates will be promoted, televised and/or streamed so that CD-11 voters know about them and can watch them. The announced schedule includes Sunday, Oct. 23: New Jersey Globe Debate; Tuesday, Oct. 25: League of Women Voters Debate; and Wednesday, Oct. 26: Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ Candidate Forum.
A vote for Paul DeGroot is a vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, so, not a pro-choice package deal, by any atretch.
According to the recent October 4th Gallup Poll, Abortion is NOT even on the radar for the voting public. The top 5 issues are inflation, economy, illegal alien invasion through porous borders, parental rights to determine what their children are being indoctrinated with, crime issues. Abortion isn't even ranked in the Top 10 of issues for voters. In fact, according to the Poll, only 4% of voters think abortion is an issue.
I am so tired of pro-birthers treating women like children. You'd think pregnant people in their 7th-9th month, casually decide to terminate their pregnancy for no reason. In fact, a very small percentage of women terminate a 3rd trimester pregnancy. And when they do choose to do so, it is almost always because of getting some tragic news about the fetus or the mother's health. No one but the doctor and the patient should make that awful decision. Anyone who says otherwise is NOT Pro- Choice. Period. And that includes DeGroot no matter what he calls himself. PS: he didn't show up at the rally.
I am so tired of pro-birthers treating women like children. You'd think pregnant people in their 7th-9th month, casually decide to terminate their pregnancy for no reason. In fact, a very small percentage of women terminate a 3rd trimester pregnancy. And when they do choose to do so, it is almost always because of getting some tragic news about the fetus or the mother's health. No one but the doctor and the patient should make that awful decision. Anyone who says otherwise is NOT Pro- Choine. Period. And that includes DeGroot matter what he calls himself. PS: he didn't show up at the rally.
This is becoming a one issue election. The abortion issue does require compromise on both sides however Sherrill needs to be asked if she approves of abortion on demand with no time constraints, at taxpayer expense. We can then debate criteria for abortion such as matters of rape, incest, threat to mothers life, etc. That said, will someone, anyone ask Sherrill some tough questions about her positions on Classroom Education, CRT and school choice, Crime, punishment and liberal bail policies, Inflation, National Debt, Energy (gasoline), Taxes, Overseas Threats, So-called Woke Culture, Illegal Immigration, taxpayer funded cell phones, voter registration and other benefits for illegal aliens, massive illegal alien population in NJ, election integrity, etc. There are many other such tough questions that are not being asked.