DeLorenzo Shows up at Friendly Beefsteak for Sarlo, who Says He Backs Cureton for Bergen Sheriff


Suddenly saddled with a sheriff’s contest, Bergen Democrats hummed a little bit last night with the news that Republican candidate Jack DeLorenzo showed up at a private Wood-Ridge residence to suffer the Giants’ beat down as part of an annual event in honor of state Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36).

Sarlo’s party just last week selected NAACP local Prez Anthony Cureton as its candidate for sheriff.

Now here was DeLorenzo amid fellow South Bergen handwringers, Sarlo chief among them, apparently bearing witness to the end of Eli Manning.

Was Sarlo backing DeLorenzo as part of a South Bergen Skull and Bones societal pact?

Not at all, the senator told InsiderNJ.

“I am a Democrat,” said Sarlo. “Jack didn’t speak at the event, He was there briefly. When I spoke, I urged people in the room to vote Democrat, from Senator Bob Menendez on down.

“And I’m supporting Anthony Cureton for sheriff,” added the senate budget chair.

As the mayor of Hasbrouck Heights and a former police captain, DeLorenzo’s been at the Sarlo beefsteak before, as part of the whole blue collar, football, cop, coach culture that found a nest in the private home where Sarlo presided.

About 100 guys showed up last night at $100 a pop, including the son-in-law of Bergen County Democratic Committee Chairman Lou Stellato, some Heights law enforcement, South Bergen PBA-affiliated guys who accompanied DeLorenzo.

As for the Giants’ meltdown, “I’m not giving up on Eli Manning,” Sarlo insisted.

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