Democrat Parmigiani of Morris Plains Eyes Freeholder Seat


There are three Morris County freeholder seats up this year and Democrats now have a candidate.
She is Cara A. Parmigiani, a lawyer from Morris Plains.

Parmigiani talked briefly about her candidacy at Saturday's St. Patrick's Day parade in Morristown. Noting that there are seven freeholders, all of whom are Republicans, Parmigiani said Democrats
need a voice.

The party has made that very same argument for years, if not decades.

But last year's election success - taking two congressional seats - is fueling optimism.

Freeholder, however, is a tough office for which to run, given the fact many people have no idea what freeholders do.

Chip Robinson, the chair of the Morris County Democratic Committee, said the party will come up with two other candidates to fill the ticket by the April 1 filing deadline.

Republicans have a primary on their hands for freeholder. The incumbents are Doug Cabana, Tom Mastrangelo and Kathy DeFillippo.

The challengers are Donald Dinsmore, William Felegi and Cathy Winterfield. Dinsmore, who was at the parade, said the trio, which is running under the slogan, Future of Morris, plans a campaign kickoff
on March 21.

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