Democratic Senators Seek Use of Campaign Funds to Pay for Child Care Expenses
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In a bill already on second reading, New Jersey Democratic lawmakers want to permit the use of campaign funds to pay for child care expenses incurred by a candidate or the holder of a public office.
Under the bill, expenses incurred by the holder of a public office or a candidate for child care may be paid from campaign contributions only if the expenses are for providing care for the well-being and protection of the child outside of the home, in a child care facility, or in the home of the office holder or candidate.
Eligible expenses will be those that result directly from activities in which the office holder or candidate engage for the purposes of holding office or a campaign for public office, and would not have otherwise been incurred but for those activities. Child care expenses will not include payments to a member of the office holder’s or candidate’s household.
Senators M. Tersa Ruiz (D-29), Sandra Cunningham (D-31), and Nick Scutari (D-22) are the co-sponsors of the bill.
Current law permits the use of campaign contributions to pay for campaign expenses, make a charitable contribution, contribute to another campaign committee, pay for committee overhead and administrative expenses, repay contributions, and pay for the ordinary and necessary expenses of holding public office.
Maybe they can use some of their campaign funds to pay my property taxes! What a joke!