Dems for Life Fire off a Letter to Jamie Harrison

MORRISTOWN - A.J. Oliver's switch from Democrat to Republican over his "pro-life" position is getting national attention.
The group, Democrats For Life of America, has fired off nearly a four-page letter to Jamie Harrison, the national Democratic chair, protesting how local Dems treated Oliver.
Last fall, Oliver was both chair of the Morristown Democratic Committee and a party candidate for county commissioner in Morris County.
Things began falling apart when a video revealed that Oliver held pro-life, or anti-abortion, views. In short order, Oliver was "un-endorsed" as a candidate by one progressive group and forced out as chair of the Morristown Democrats.
A few days ago, he became a Republican.
That prompted the involvement of the national pro-life, Democratic group.
Its letter seeks to make its point by referencing no less a villain in the eyes of Democrats than Donald Trump himself. It says Oliver was removed as chair through "Trump-like" tactics.
Probably the most salient point in the letter is one that looks ahead with a bit of trepidation.
"With the midterm elections approaching and the disconcerting signs that our party will fare poorly, we can ill-afford to push loyal Democrats out of our party."
That's not a bad point.
I did not hide the fact that I am pro life (or any of my human rights activism), and any assertion that I did is dishonest. The life issue was not discussed by any candidate during the campaign, nor did MCDC have a litmus test on any issue.
As a member of the Hanover Township Democratic Committee and someone who initially supported A.J. Oliver, I will just leave this her. His position was not publicly known. It was a big secret. That is dishonest.