DeNeufville Tries to Defuse Webber's Board-Breaking Attacks with Gentle Judo

Peter DeNeufville, who just 48 hours or so ago was accused by Jay Webber of backing radical, left-wing causes, has fired back - sort of.
In what seems like a mild response, DeNeufville's latest mailing says only that Webber has a deficient moral compass.
Or more specifically, that Webber is a "career politician with a broken moral compass."
The mailer reiterates some of what DeNeufville said earlier in the campaign for the Republican nomination in CD-11.
And that is that Webber has opposed equal pay for equal work, allowing police to collect DNA evidence from violent criminals and taking guns away from those convicted of domestic abuse.
All of this leads DeNeufville to conclude Webber would lead "New Jersey down the wrong path."
DeNeufville's piece also throws in a picture of Ronald Reagan and proclaims himself to be a "New Jersey Reagan Republican."
Webber, of course, long has paid homage to Reagan and sees himself as a strident protector of Reagan's legacy.
So, has it come to this - the most devoted candidate to Ronald Reagan wins?