Destination Hamilton: Control Election in New Jersey's Ultimate Battleground Town

Humiliated locally during the reign of Mayor Kelly Yaede (pictured), Democrats are trying to resurrect their brand in Hamilton with a ticket insiders say will have some heft come November.
Last night, the Democratic Committee gave the party nod to Anthony Carabelli, Jr., Rick Tighe and Jeff Martin.
Carabelli worked in the assembly majority office during the Speaker Joe Doria years; and so did Martin, when U.S. Rep. Albio Sires served as speaker.
The three Democrats will run against veteran Council Vice President Dennis Pone, Councilman David Kenny and Councilwoman Dina Thornton.
Thornton supplanted Councilman Ed Gore, who was up this year but retired from local politics.
It's a five-person council, so the Republicans are looking to maintain control of the governing body this year.
A fourth Republican councilwoman, Ileana Schirmer, not up for reelection in 2017, is challenging state Senator Linda Greenstein (D-14). Republicans have so far struggled to find challengers to Greenstein's running mates, Assemblyman Dan Benson and Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo. Energized by that up ticket dynamic and now the local candidates, Democrats want a win here, but they are up against a popular mayor in Yaede, who is well known and old school when it comes to her politics, and motivated by the stakes.