Senator Mike Doherty Says JCBOE Lawsuit Needs to be Scrapped
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Senator Mike Doherty (R-23) said a lawsuit filed by the Jersey City Board of Education against the State to challenge planned school funding cuts should be tossed.
The Jersey City Board of Education yesterday announced that is has filed a lawsuit in Hudson County Superior Court challenging $27 million in projected state education aid cuts.
Doherty said to spare him.
“Jersey City has a long history of abusing PILOT agreements, manipulating the school funding formula, and fighting a citywide reassessment, all in an attempt to hide the city’s growing wealth and shift the cost of operating their schools from local taxpayers to the rest of the state," the Republican Western NJ senator said.
“As a result of this scheme, Jersey City collected billions more in State school aid than it deserved, while rural and suburban districts across New Jersey got less as a result of this diversion," Doherty added. “The city should drop the lawsuit and consider itself lucky that it collected as much as it for so long.”